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Prayers for angelofcharlie and her family...9/16 update


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Hi All,

I just had a phone call from Shirley, AngelofCharlie. She has been called to the hospital by her fathers doctor for a family meeting. It seems her dad is off the antibiotics for the mystery infection and he is not doing well. I don't have much other info, but wanted to let you all know...

Please keep her and her family in your prayers

Thank you


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Will send prayers from under the Carolina Blue Sky For strenght and positive news and thoughts for Shirley and the family. Keep us Posted and hope all gets better.

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Hi All,

I just had a phone call from Shirley and I am afraid the news is not good.

Her dads white cell count is still very high and the doctors have told her and her family this is being caused by a rapid progression of the disease.

They have no treatment options to offer.

Shirley asked me to thank you all for your prayers and support and she will be posting the rest of the details once she has gotten some rest.

Please keep her and the family in your prayers. Thank you all so much.


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Hi All

I have a small update from Shirley. I got the following message from her today...

"Update: I called the hospital before coming to work today.... My mother said that since he got his dose of decadron last night - he hasn't had a fever, but has been sweating a lot. Since there's no fever, his appetite is improving."

Thanks for the continued prayers...


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Hi All,

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.

I've spoken to my Father a few times today and overall he feels much better than yesterday. No fevers today - it might really be the decadron that's suppressing it...... Appetite is definitely way better today.

My Mother called and asked me to post something in hopes that someone would know something about possible treatment options in regards to very advanced cancer. Not sure if there is anything, but if anyone has anything please let me know. I'll probably start another thread with that specific question.

Thank you so much again. And a big thanks and ((Hugs)) for Chris for starting this for me.



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