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When the doctors say "take the time you have to get you

Guest bellard

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Please forgive me, but I would want to know the exact circumstances, is this you or someone close to you? Can you give a little more information. Because look at my profile, my husband has had the same happen to him and that was about 1 year ago....

Small Cell cancer is moves very quick, but it is also receptive to chemo and radiation.

So please if you would like to share more, I can give you some more info.


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i wish those treatments were available to my mother-in-law, but they're not - the drs are saying palliative care & hospice only. the cancer has metastasized to both the liver and the brain. we are just at the beginning of this, and we just don't know what to expect - it just makes it that much scarier for my husband. thank you for any advice you can offer.

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First, the time frame thing, no one knows how long, the drs. can give you and your family a "guestimate", based on their experiences and knowledge. But they can not give you any certainities.

My husband cancer has metasized to his liver, brain, right lung and adrenal gland. and he and we are still fighting, no one here is given up yet.

..Which hospital is she at. I'm suprised that at the least they are offering her whole brain radiation to try to reduce the tumors.

I would definitely get a second opinion!!!

and small cell lc isn't curable, so any treatment is viewed as pallative.

You and your family need to ask any and all questions, why not chemo? .....chemo responds well to sclc...and there are many different options of chemo, some more harsh than others.....


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Hello Bellard

Welcome. I am so sorry that you had need to find a site such as this, but glad you have posted.

I cannot offer much in the way of personal experience advice but I very much do agree with Grace about the 2nd opinion!

Please keep us posted on things and let us know how we can help.


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Only God Knows How Long and It is always good to have affairs in order in case. There are options. Remember Youre doctor has many patients, You only have 1 doctor and if they willnot fight try and find one that will. Sending Prayers and Keep us posted if we can help. Second opinions can save lives.

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I agree with Katie. You need to get the research, research, research, and get a second opinion. SCLC is very aggressive, and depending on age of patient, "real age," and all those factors, that might have a bearing on treatment options.

My dad is in remission right now because he received amazing care at Mayo clinic. Keep hope, pray, and know we are here for you.

Take care!


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My Husband Also has extensive small cell lung cancer

which spread to his brain. We were told to get our affairs in order, but his Drs never gave a "time frame" as every patient is different. My husband is still with us and has been fighting for over 1.5 years. Get as many

opinions as necessary, never give up hope and live

everyday to the fullest. My prayers to you and your


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So sorry to hear about your MIL. Each patient is very different and must be treated differently. One of the first things I learned was to tale the statistics and throw them right out the window. All they will do is drive you crazy and confuse you. My husband had extensive sclc and lived for 10 months after diagnosis. There have been others here that have had less time and there are others that have made the five year point and are going strong! Small cell lung cancer is extremely aggressive but responds well to many types of treatment. You must be equally aggressive in your search to fine the right doctor that is willing to fight to save your MIL.

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Hi: I am sorry you mother in law has a cancer diagnosis. When I first found out about my cancer, almost 3 years ago, one of the first things I did was to get my affairs in order.

If the doctors offered me no treatment, I would get a second opinion. In my opinion, any cancer is treatable no matter what the extent.

Here is a place your mother in law could check out.

http://www.winthrop.org/departments/cli ... ungCancer/

Don M

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Hello, bellard:

When I did the research on small-cell lung cancer after my mom got diagnosed, the median survival time I came across (with treatments like chemo and radiation) was 16-24 months.

But of course this can vary quite widely, depending on how the individual reacts to the therapy. Some people are still around 5 and 10 years later. SCLC responds very well to chemo, and can be driven into remission.

I would echo the recommendation to get a second opinion on this. A medical team with a positive attitude toward treating the disease is essential at this point.


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