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My Sisters' Tradegy - please pray for her


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My youngest sister Jeanne, who was pregnant, was expecting the birth of her second son, Christopher Louis, around the 8th of December. Yesterday she couldn't feel him moving, she went to the emergency room. It was too late, the baby was already gone.

She had a c-section, they held their son, he looked like his older brother, who is 3, except he had dark hair and dark eyes.

It is not fair, my sister and her husband are devistated. How do you bury such a small, innocent soul.

My family has suffered some much, one tragic loss after another. My girls will be home in less then 1/2 hour. How do I tell them their aunties baby, their cousin has died?

Please pray for my sister, she is in so, so much pain.

I don't understand this.....


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Dear Grace,

My deepest sympathies and condolances to you all.

This is such a horrible tragedy, I have no words to express my sorrow for you and your family.

I believe God has a plan for everyone, no matter how unfair it seems to us mortal folks.

May you find some peace and comfort durring this most difficult time.

All of my prayers and thoughts to you and your family,


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Oh Grace,

This is just the most heartbreaking news. My sincerest condolences to your sister and her family. Losing a child has to be one of the worst pains imaginable. I pray that your sister and her family, and yours too, will somehow find peace.


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I have a friend who went through this too...very sad and tragic! It was so difficult for our friends (and their families),so many emotions and so little answers.... I will definately be praying for your family. May God hold you all close in the days to come and may you find comfort in each other.

I'm so sorry,


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Oh Grace,

This is just the worst news. I'm so very sorry for your sister and family. This hurts so much. My brother and sister-in-law lost one of their sons in the ninth month and then, years later, her daughter lost her baby the same way. We never could have imagined being visited by this tragedy twice. My heart goes out to you and your family. God does have a plan but that doesn't mean we understand...

Heartfelt sympathy,


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