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50 years young/almost 6 years since diag

Cindy RN

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Well the kids pulled it off-My surprise party-tho I knew most of the particulars about it (moms know everything!) and who would be there :lol::lol::lol::lol: They THOUGHT I was totally surprised.

They had my son from NC fly in and my sis and her kids fly in from UT. Then the fellowship hall at church was decorated with all kinds of fun things. The open house went on for more than 3 hrs! What a blast.

They took alot of my old photos and had them blown up and put all over the place.

I got a red hat and a red and purple boa!! I am official now-I can be in one of the red chapters! :shock:

This coming Feb will be 6 yrs for me. This last Aug made it 3 yrs since my last chemo!! The last Dr visit was all good and he now said I can start coming every 4 mos instead of every 3 months.

God has been so good to me and I hope I can continue to fullfil what ever it is I am to be doing here for Him. I have turned this over to Him and will be happy with what I have and where I am at this point in my life. I know that I am a stronger person since the diag because I have had to let Him take over for me-I can not control!!! everything-I have a bad habit of that 8)

Thanks to all who have supported me thru this and I pray one day we will be able to say "that cancer vaccine really stings!"


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