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Hi I am Lennons girl mom. I finally came to the website. I was diagonsed with lung cancer in August.At first it was a terrible thing to hear. But before I went to the emergency room I kind of thought I had cancer. See my symtoms were i was alwawys tired and I ran very high fevers. It strange because I dont feel sick. I dont have any pain, I dont look any differnt, except for the weight and hair loss. I have 2 more weeks of treatment. Hopefully very thing will come out alright. I dont know if anyone will understand this but sometimes I think I make myself feel bad. I think I have cancer so I should always feel sick, which I dont. I am getting tired sitting up right now. I just wanted to come to site talk to people who share my illness. Maybe next time I come I can stay on longer.

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I understand. The power of positive thinking helps a lot you know. If you do not think you are sick, you will be ok. GLad to hear from you and glad you are as ok as ok can be. Sending Prayers sand Big Warm Dryer blankets for all and comfort.

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Welcome to the boards and I'm so sorry about your diagnosis.

Hold your head up and fight like hell -- even when you don't feel like it! We are here and everyone cares. It's a great place to share information and feelings.

Hope you start to feel better. The whole breathing thing was a real shock to my husband. He also couldn't walk from one room to the next without problems. The chemo worked wonders on that -- although he is still on oxygen 24/7 and feels winded doing stairs or walking around too much. He now goes grocery shopping with me and we never thought he'd be out and about like the old "normal". We never thought that grocery shopping would turn into something that we were excited about, but there you have it! He says the chemo made him feel like "the walking dead" but he knows that is what will keep him alive, so he has no choice.

You will come to find your own "stride" though this journey in time. It's just such a shocking diagnosis that it takes you mentally awhile to come to terms with a new way of life.

I wish you the very best and keep in touch with all of us.

Warmest regards,


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