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Feel too good to be this sick

David W

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Another David, welcome. Just diagnosed recently and you have no problems? Tell us , how is it that they found your cancer? Did your Dr just go and order an xray or CT ? Were you in the national screening trial? What drugs are you taking? Did they just give you Compazine and you reacted to it or were you having nausea. Even though you have been diagnosed with lung cancer it sounds to me you have a lot of good news, no pain, not sick, tolerating treatments . Please share more we love good news. Donna G

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Actually, I had broncitis that didn't heal with anti-biotics. My primary physcian did a routine x-ray which found a shadow. Long story short, Cat scan, then broncoscopy, then PET scan, confirmed NonSmallCell CarcinomaLungCancer poorly differentiated.

First Chemo was Friday of Labor Day weekend, reacted poorly to Compazine, lots of nausea, and vomited. Changed to Zofan.

Also see 2nd Opinion post for update.

If I had not been diagnosed, I would not know that I am sick.

God bless,


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Hello Dave, Welcome!

That's kinda how they found mine too. I had gotten pneumonia, was 50 years old and smoked too much for too long. :x:x A thorough doc and a good x-ray tech found mine. I was fortunate though, NSCLC squamous type, stage IIB so they were able to operate.

Anyway, glad your feeling well, again welcome and know you are not alone. :roll:

God bless and stay well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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David sounds like that Bronchitis was a good thing for you and it was a blessing that the Dr was aggressive diagnosing you. Zophran is a good nausea drug! Keep us posted on your progress Donna G

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Hey DAvid!

Yep I can certainly relate to the "feel to good to be sick" comment. My husband appeared to be healthier than ever when he was diagnosed. He had quit smoking several years prior and had lost a lot of weight and was exercising. While the chemo knocked him down for the count several times now that he is past that he seems to feel pretty good, even though the cancer is still there.

Wishing you all the best.

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Hi David,

Lung Cancer is an illness that until one has a bad sign he/she don't know they have it. My husband, even though he is 70 was very strong and always doing something around the house. Never complained of anything bothering him. He came up with a cough that was not normal for him to have and on his way out to his dr's appt for his 6 mo ck up for high blood pressure, I mentioned for him to have a chest xray for the cough. Well, the rest of the story is below in the signature. He has never recovered to being back to himself. Sure pray it may happen...I think the radiation did a job on his body.....but he is still my hero and protector...

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Hi David W

Welcome to this most wonderful, helpful site - I was admitted to the hospital the end of March this year for Atrial Fibrillation and part of the admittance was having a chest x-ray done and a nodule was found. Once the ole heart was back to being normal, I was able to focus on the lung.

Glad you are feeling good and again this is the site to come to for support!


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David, almost two years ago when my dad was Dx with lung cancer he, also felt "too good to be this sick"...and you know what-he and we-RAN with that!!! He did very well on two very strong chemo cocktails and lived his life pretty much as he did before his dx...the fact that you feel so good will work VERY well in conjunction with your chemo, and it will also be of help in that you may not experience the side effects as badly.

So, enjoy feeling good!!! It will serve you well. Take care and welcome to the boards, its a great place to be...keep us posted. Deb

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey David,

Welcome aboard. Hate that you came under the circumstances but glad you are her. I too can relate to "feel to good to be sick." When I was dx in Mar 2003 I only was hoarse from shoveling snow at work. It would go away when I got inside out of cold. I had never had any medical problems in my life except to have tonsils out as a child. I am not one to run to doctor for a sneeze. Two of my co-workers stayed on me for a couple weeks. When is your doctor appt they would ask. When I make it I would reply.

When I did get to doctor, he wanted a chest x-ray. He compared it to my last year exam and took it from there. The next 3 weeks, you guessed it, test...test...test. I had a tumor on my lung approx 7 cm. Surgeon told me he didn't know if he could get it or not so he felt he had no business in my chest area. Radiation and chemo followed at same time. I had no side effects to speak of. Two months later my surgeon smilled and said "lets get it out." He removed my left lung. That was June and all 4 my doctors are amazed at how we shrunk it and got it out and my recovery. I am doing well right now but have a ways to go.

Again, welcome and keep us posted as to your progress. If we all put our heads together, we can help one another.

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