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Happy days are here again............


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not really but it got you looking didn't it?

5 years ago next week I was diagnosed with limited small cell lung cancer and here I am with no cancer and only scarring to show that I ever had it. How lucky is that.

I can't believe it myself, the only after effect I'm left with is some chemo brain - my friend says if it can last 10 years, I have another 5 years left and by then it surely will be just old age!

When I was dx I was so sick with pneumonia that the cancer word didn't really register for a while. I have had a few medical challenges over the years and this just seemed to be another thing to deal with - it didn't occur to me that I may die, never entered my head that I wouldn't make it, just didn't even become a fleeting thought. How wonderful is that.......talk about Polyanna (or an ostrich depending on your outlook).

I realise just how fortunate I am, apart from needing to lose the weight that came courtesy of the steroids (can I still use that after all this time?) and a daily shot of Lovenox (ouch every time I stick myself with that one) I have absolutely nothing to complain about - so I guess my post title was right.

I got back from Kuaui on Saturday night, rested and refreshed and ready for the Boston walk on Saturday. For all the newly dx members out there take heart, I'm not the only one to beat the odds - why you can't you too.

I think I'll celebrate this weekend, our walk is shaping up to be a real success (thanks in part to such wonderful support from everyone here) and I'm still on the green side of the sod. What more can a person ask for, happy days truly are here again.

Raise a glass with me on Saturday night.


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