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Lung Cancer Research...particularly detection

Nick C

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Hello all,

Keri and I have discovered the research of I-ELCAP as some promising research in the field of lung cancer detection and feel lives may be saved by the research being done there.

I was hoping that some of you may have had exposure to similar studies, not neccesarily around CT screening, but any type of detection research being done (whether is be blood test, saliva, other screening etc.) and if you could share the info on "where and who and what".

Thanks all. And any other research is huge to hear about too. But it seems that if we can't catch it early, all the other stuff becomes a lot less effective...

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Hey Joanie.

So far about $6400 has found its way to IELCAP in Mom's memory.

With this kind of momentum, we want to keep this at the front of the minds of the people in this community. So we are thinking of starting a foundation. We have thus far seen the Lung Cancer Alliance and IELCAP as worthy causes to fund, as well as ACGT for genetic cancer research. But we want to do our homework...find all the best research being done. I have to contact Lungevity as well. See what they are up to.

Also, from a personal standpoint, we are writing letters: to our paper, I am writing one to my mother's hometown paper. I am also drafting an open letter to doctors who send patients for the chest x-ray to explain that this is protocol, but inform the patient that 85% of the time the x-ray shows clear when in fact there is something.

If I were the patient, that would prompt me to say "WHAT? Then what else can I do?" An informed patient is one in control of thier health.

Also, we are going to any public meetings in the vicinity about lung cancer or cancer in general to challenge the medical professionals about detection.

I'll post on my recent exchange soon.

I'm full of pis_ and vinegar today. :x You'll have to excuse me.

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Nick, I am so impressed at the way you're tackeling this issue so head on.

I want to give you a couple of links for groups I've recently discovered in Canada. www.lungcancercanada.ca is one and if you click on the "letter of support" in the bottom left corner, you'll read a letter from Sandie Rinaldo. She is a national news anchor who lost her husband to lc and has started a research grant fellowship in his name.

Keep up the good work!


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