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Mom is gone


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Mom is gone. The cancer took her 37 hours ago. I'm not sure how to feel. It's been such a long road for everyone, including her, and right now I sort of feel relieved. I feel bad saying that and I'm crying as I write this but I can't help the way I feel. She hasn't been my mom for months now, since the cancer started affecting her brain so badly. I mean, yes she was still my mom and I loved her but it wasn't the mom I knew. I couldn't talk to her or make any sense of what she was saying. The last week she didn't wake up hardly at all. A couple of times a day her eyes would half open for a few seconds but she didn't really seem like she was there. Three days before she died, when I was saying goodnight to her, she pucker up her lips to give me a kiss and after I kissed her she smiled. She never opened her eyes but I know she was aware. It was the last response she gave anyone. Tonight is visitation at the funeral home and tomorrow is the memorial service. I wanted to get this out before I went because I have to be strong for my dad.



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Oh Nutbar. I am so sorry that she is gone from you. You and I and our moms walked a simlilar path and I know that all of the time and dedication you spent on and with your mom will comfort you going forward. It has me. Our moms have earned their wings of bravery and we have learned what it means to have courage, compassion and love. It is so hard to say goodbye...(((((((NUTBAR)))))))

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So sorry to hear this news. Prayers and condolences. Do whatever comes to you. Keep an eye on your Dad. Be careful driving. Grief hits at strange times. Do not get the coulda woulda shouldas. Take care of yourself and each other. Prayers and Big warm blankets for comfort tonite.

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Hi Nubar,

I'm so sorry for your loss .............. relief is something very reasonable ... relief from worry, wondering and reacting to anothers pain. It's exhausting and overwhelming .... don't feel badly for knowing all of these are at rest.

May your memories give you warmth and comfort in this time of need.


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