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Bro and family coming in from Florida/UPDATED


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I just got a call yesterday that my Brother, sister-in-law, my niece,her husband and her baby Samantha (13 months) will be coming in Xmas Eve from Florida, we were so shocked and very plesantly surprised.

We go to my sisters Xmas day, so we will all be there. Except for my nephew and my other niece who are at their inlaws.

As I am happy I am also concerned about Xmas eve as their flight gets in at 4:30 and you know we have our Xmas eve tradition. I don't care of course if they come, but we just don't know what their arrangements are about the airport. If we a picking them up or they are renting a car, or whatever. They are also leaving on different days. My niece on the 27th and my Bro on the 31.

My brother and his wife will be staying here and the kids will be at my sisters. Which is kinda stressing her as she is looking for a crib and they have to do all the cooking and really did not want company. So they may just stay here for Xmas eve also instead of traveling to my sisters. Then on Xmas day they will just stay at my sisters and the two days after. Which means I will have to find some kind of port a crib. But again we don't know what the arrangemnts are right now. :shock:

I am so glad Joel had his chemo changed to the day after Xmas. But now Iam concerned as I know it will hit him on the 30, 31 and proabably the 1st. I really don't like the thought of people being here when he is so sick.

They do have friends here who they want to visit. I will see if they can do that on the weekend and maybe they could take them to the airport if they do not have a car.

As much as I am looking forward to seeing them, everything just seems to be up in the air right now which is a little stressful.

That's all, just wanted to share the good news and some of my concerns.

I can't wait to see the baby.

Maryanne :wink:

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So glad you have family coming to visit! Please stop stressing out!

Call them to find out airport transportation arrangements. Let them handle the details of getting friends to drive them to/from airport if possible. If they can't, and they don't want to rent a car, THEN you can do it. But don't take on extra stuff now if you don't have to.

What's wrong with having visiting family cook a meal for YOU? maybe they can show off some skills and impress everyone!

Start asking friends and neighbors if they have an extra crib or Pack and Play (playpen). You'd be surprised how many of those are hidden away for "someday." All you gotta do is ask.

Give the baby hugs and smother her with kiddes!



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That is great news! Nothing like being surrounded by your loved ones during the holidays...especially little ones at Christmas. Tell your sister that she should look for a gently used Graco Pack-n-Play which is what we used for as a crib for our kids when we traveled and when they spent the night at their grandparents. It works great and is inexpensive when used and stores easily.


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You know Maryanne, I think this may be just what the doctor ordered...just for you! I can tell from your post that you are excited about seeing your family, although you have concerns. You know, all these little details always have a way of working themselves out! Just have a nice glass of wine, take a big deep breath and let all those worries fly right out the window when you exhale!

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They are all going to stay here. My niece did NOT want a Pack & Play. She wanted a full size regular crib. So luckily there is a place real close to me that rents them, sets them up and takes them down. My bro took care of the money. They are bringing the crib it on the 23rd.

The reason they are all staying here is because of the crib as we were not going to break it down and take it to my sisters and then back here for them to pick it up. So all 5 relatives will be here, which is fine. That will free my sister or I should say her husband as he is the chef, to do the cooking without all those people in his house.

They also rented a car so we don't have to take 2 cars to the airport to pick them up.

My sister got a porta-crib for her house, in case Samantha needs a nap.

My shopping is 90% completed so all is going well. Things always have a way or working out and I know our holiday this year will be special with most of the family here.

I just have to get my house cleaned :shock:

I am so greatful to Dr. West for telling me that having Joel's chemo changed to the day after Christmas would not hinder his treatment. His chemo would have been yesterday. :shock:

It is also up to them if they want to join us for Christmas eve or not. Playing it by ear.

So right now, all is well and we are looking forward to the holidays.

Maryanne :wink:

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Hi Maryann,

It sounds like you are really going to have such a nice time with all the family. So happy Joel was able to change his schedule.

Just enjoy one day at a time and maybe this round won't be too bad. I remember when I was up to my last and kept thinking because it's comulative that it would be the worst. Well, I had NO side effects only on that treatment. Go figure.


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