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Hello Every One,

My father has stage 4 lung cancer he has battling this disease for 1 year. it has it's ups and downs. As, you know it's a battle day by day. Currently now he is taking chemo Cpt 11- which is brutal. Severe Diarrehea, n/v, extreme tiredness. I wish i could take his weakness away and fill him with energy. I know at times he is very fustrated, as i am sure you all know.

My father was a heavy smoker for many years, and one day couldn't breath anymore, just walking from one side of the room to another took his breath away. As he describes to me Not being able to breath is the worst Feeling in the world. We then brought him to the ER and was admitted right away, and then founf he had a mass on his R lung and they drained 300 cc of fluid from his R lung. he then started carbo, and etoposide which he responded very well to. Then this, November had sever headaches, and doctor prescribed MRI, and he had lesions on the brain, followed by Radation and Chemo. Now december he had CAT SCAN and found lesions on liver, which brings me up to par. As I know we All have are story...... My words of wisdome are, I know at times you feel , like you can't deal with this fight, but don't give up! Stay strong, Because we all need to fight together and beat this disease. I love you all, and pray for all of you. xoxox[/b]


Welcome! I certainly hope and pray that your father responds well to his treatment and gets better.




We will give you all the support we can. There are many here that are beating this disease. There is no reason your dad can’t become one of them. Keep us posted.

Stay positive, :)



Welcome and best wishes for your father's treatment. He needs to get all the rest he is able and the doctors should be able to control the nausea and diahrea.



Dear Msjenfa,

Warm Welcomes and even more so Warm Hugs.

Thank you for your kind words. So sorry you and your Dad are going through this.

I had a massive tumor of my liver and actually another one again that developed between one cat scan to the next just prior to starting chemo. They are gone now and the quality of my life has improved immensely.

Hang in there ad please do not be a stranger here. We are here for you.



Welcome, so sorry to hear about your dad's ordeal over the past year and hope that he has a better 2007 and knocks his cancer into remission. You are right - we must never give up and always keep hope alive!


THanks to all Who welcomed me with such love & Support! I look foward to meeting more and more of you! Went to Doctor today with dad, severely Dehydrated after 6 days of diarehhea, imodiem, lomatrol no help..... Finally gave him a shot to control Bowels.... and 4 bags of fluid to hydrate him. Goal now to stop diarehea..... and get some solid foods into him. He has lost 9 pounds in 1 week. Doctoe said Might have to change his chemo which is CPT 11? any one else on chemo for mets to liver? He has no appetite... :cry: ! he sais " even if a big fat juicy steak was in front of him it would NOT be appealing to him" So we hope that bowels will get better. Thanks for the support you Now are my Family! Pray for you all God Bless ! xoxox


Welcome to our BB. Hopefully we can be helpful to you and your Dad as his journey continues. Please post a permanent "my profile" (click & fill in at top of page) so everyone can help you easier as you travel the boards.

Sounds like you two are fighters with good attitudes and that will go a long way in this disease.

Prayers for good success with his treatments.

Warm Regards,



Hi Msjenfa

Sorry to hear about your dad. You asked about chemo treatments for those with mets to liver. My husband has mets to liver and kidney and he is on Gemzar and Carboplatin. The first 6 weeks go pretty good and he has been really fortunate and not been ill. However this is not always the case with this combo. After those weeks you have to watch your red and white cell counts. Hope that might help..



Welcome to this large and wonderful lung cancer support family. You have come to a good place for support, information sharing and receiving, a place where you can cry with us (I do it often), laugh with us (I also do that), and celebrate good news! It is heartwarming how when one has a worry or problem they ask for help and OUT COME THE TROOPS! It's just amazing.

I am sorry your Dad has lung cancer and it sounds like he has good and bad days, just as most of us do. I pray that his treatment will uplift him physically and spiritually to where he can cope the best way he can.

There are many people in this family who are long-term survivors, and doing well, and that is where I pray your Dad will be soon.

Love and prayers



Hello and welcome!

I am sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but glad that you posted.

Please let us know how your dad is doing and how we can be of help to you.

Wishing you all the best,


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