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Wow !!! This is wonderful


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This is the best site I have found :wink:

I Don't know how to thank everyone for there prompt response's to my question and for sharing your stories, I already feel like I know so many of you by your stories, your logs of doctors appt., tests and meds, right to your pictures. For the first time since my mother-in-law was dx with this monster, I really feel like there is some hope and I have to say that reading so many of these stories have brought a piece of mind to a lot of unanswered questions. What a great community !!!!

Just want to wish all a very Happy New Year and as soon as I figure out how to get Pics on here and more of our story I will.

God Bless,


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Sorry we have to meet like this, but Nice to meet you under the circumstances. Let us know how we can help out with anything. like the saying goes "We will leave the light on"

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Thank you randy, I am just trying to get some pics on here. I just got a Picture of My mother-in-law and her three grandkids up there, Its from Thanksgiving 2006. She was pretty sick that day but tried really hard to make it a great thanksgiving.

I am so sorry for your loss Randy, I am here if you ever want to talk.


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Hello Gabrielle and welcome

Sorry you had reason to find a site like this, but glad you have joined us.

Please let us know how we can help you and your MIL out and know that there will be someone here to answer your questions, offer advice, prayers and give you HOPE.

Keep us posted and remember we are here for you,


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Yes-Glad you found us. This is great place to find answers and support from the front line :D

If you have some time fill out the profile for your MIL so we can see what she has had so far.

I too, say YEAH for no wig or hat. I got to where I could go 'topless' here at home BUT when i went out or non-family came over I had to cover up. I wore scarves I made from holiday fabrics from wal-mart. I made a tie one for my pug.

Glad to see you and ask away.


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Hi Gabrielle.

Welcome and sorry you had to find us, but glad you did. Thank you for your comments. That is why we are here to help in anyway we can.

When you have a chance post a profile on your MIL so we can get to know what kind of LC and what treatments she had.

We are here 24/7 to answer any questions you may have or if you need support or prayers.

I am also from Jersey, what part are you from?

Maryanne :wink:

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