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made it through


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Made it through the Pet scan report states, Large hypermetabolic mass lesion 4.2 x 3.6 cm in the rightward mediastinum and right paratracheal region with malignant SUV values 8.7. This appears to be a singular abnormality as noted above. No abnormality in the liver or adrenal glands. Lung zones also appear to be clear. The next day had biopsy, was horrible, the first cancer in 2004 the needle biopsied through my back, this time they went through the from at an angle to miss the lung. Three attempts made, 1st Dr only got blood, numbness medicine did not numb deep enough, second attempt got only a few cells, Dr ready to give up, I begged him to please make one more attempt and to give it his all I want this part completed, he said Im game if you are. It was awful but he dug until he got enough tissue. Was given demerol immediatly for the pain. Im very sore today. Called my pcp doctor for him to get the frozen section results. Results same cancer as before noted poorly differentiated, which concerns me from what I have read it does not respond well to treatment. Im scared to death. Go to meet with my pcp on Monday to discuss options and go to my original surgeon on Wedsnesday, any one else been label with a cancer poorley differentiated. More nervous now than I was before.

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Hi Barbara,

What a shame the biobsy was so bad. Mine was through my back and they did 5 needles because they wanted a good amount of cells and from various areas. They y=used conscious sedation. I was awake and could hold my breath when requested, but I felt no pain before or after.

They kept me around for 3 hours just to be sure there was no problem with my lung.

Are you being treated at a cancer center? If you have that option, I recommend it. They treat so many cases relative to other medical facilities. Besides just the experience, they have so many colleaugues ti discuss and review situationwith.

Let us know how things work out.


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Barbara, how tough for you to have to go through such a difficult procedure. I hope that you're feeling better. Tumor grade, or degree of diffentiation, is just one factor in so many - my husband's is moderately to poorly diffentiated, and he has responded quite well to treatment. You hang in there and be positive.

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Geez Barb...so sorry you had to go thru this...but happy you got some good vibes from our gals that know about this stuff...

Let us know what the doc say's on Monday...stay positive...keep strong and God Bless....I hope you are feeling better asap..


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Geez Barb...so sorry you had to go thru this...but happy you got some good vibes from our gals that know about this stuff...

Let us know what the doc say's on Monday...stay positive...keep strong and God Bless....I hope you are feeling better asap..


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I had the same problems with my biopsy. I will never have one again, unless they put me to sleep. It was awful, the most painful thing I've ever gone through. And that includes a lobectomy, a C-section and a natural childbirth!

I haven't heard where poorly differentiated responds any differently to treatment. Be positive and let us know what your doctor says on Monday.

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Sorry to hear that you had such a hard time. I would not be too discouraged, with all the new drugs and treatment I really think we are getting into having treatable cancer as well as some cures. My onc says that shortly it will be treated like diabetes. You will live with cancer till you die of something else, hopefully old age, or you could be cured. I’ll be praying for your treatment and good results.

Stay positive, :)


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Well, it was a messy biopsy I guess, but it is good you insisted on getting the tissue. I would have done the same thing. Inconclusive biopsys are such a bother.

I don't really know for sure, but I think poorly differentiated means that the cancer is aggressive, but aggressive cancers respond more readily to chemo.

Don M

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