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Frank Lamb

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Dead Man Walking (week 1)

Week 1 of Dead Man Walking is one to begin with lots of questions,awakenings,fears,hopes,frustrations .(just trying to type to begin with) :roll: .there are so many unknowns that they are too many to mention.We can all fill in the spaces on that one.There were several days of administrative in the home answers and questions.The largest portion of the time spent has been on trying to regulate the primary pain meds from the breakthrough pain meds needed to control the much needed pain relief.(it is pretty severe at times). :evil::roll:

The nurse Lori that is going to be my our visiting nurse is scheduled to be here at this stage of the game is scheduled to come in for 2 days a week unless we need or call for any reason at all.They are available 24/7 and here fast if needed.We still have some work to do with the meds still.(and the typing). :roll:


So far this week I have gone from walking on my own power to have fallen a few times(soft carpeting) :wink: .I have crawled,walked on knees,and hobbled.I am currently waiting for inside mobility help for inside the house.Most likely looking at this past week the worst frustration has to be the loss of a lot of independence.


THERE ARE NO goood sides to having this Disease.However I have several things to be very grateful for.My wife Connie is a GODSEND.Connie without a doubt is SUPER.(I will keep her) :) .Our Hospice team and our nurse are awesome.My family and all our drs.are also super,I can’t say how efficient and good they have all been.

Stay tuned,next week we are expecting to begin a week two.I figure my next long term goal is saving some excerpts for week 52.(it is out there and I’m going after it) 8) .The next short/longer term goal is for golfing season.My next short term goal is completing the upcoming week.

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Frank Lamb you are a dear. Good thing you have and want to keep Connie, otherwise lots of his women would be ..... well you know. (You still got IT)

I am looking forward to the next 51 chapters and beyond and also to swapping golf stories with you.

Hang tight dear Frank.

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Ah Frank!

I can offer no words on wisdom, for you are the one from whom I get all mine. Just know many here are walking this walk with you......propping you up when you need it.....and I bet there are SOME (not ME!) who will even be offering you a kick in the :roll: due to typing or whatever :lol: ! Now I don't play golf, but I will be there when you are ready to tee off come nice weather. Yep, Fred and I will make the trip for that, you better believe it! Hopefully by the next installment your meds will have everything under control.

Loving you from this end of the state, Frank!


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Thanks for the update. I am walking right along with you. You are so blessed to have Connie and wonderful support. AGain, I send out my prayers for peace, comfort (hopefully those pain meds can be figured out), and of course, the miracle that God can offer.

God bless you Frank!


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I have a mental vision of you chasing a roll a way chocolate donut on your hands and knees..........


you are amazing and wonderful and strong and no matter your mobility you will always be an independent perfect example for all of us.



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I too am glad to hear things are somewhat falling into place for you. Sorry to hear about the frustration part of it. I know in some ways, what it's like to be totally helpless, so on that, I can relate. NOT FUN my friend!

Your going about this with a great attitude. (easy for me to say)! Sending you and Connie my prayers. Extra prayers never hurt!

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Hello All: Frankie is my brother ... my younger and only brother. :D .... he is and will always be a bright, shining light in my life. He is courageous, strong, tenacious, empathic, honorable, and has a wonderful sense of humor! Not only that, he is smart. His spirit is great and a wonderful thing to behold! He is a tremendous warrior and fights all battles that engage him with all his might! His character in fighting this devil :evil: disease has never once faltered! Even though I realize that all of you already know this, I felt I needed to "put it to pen." His team of doctors and, now his hospice team, are top notch. Connie, the love of his life and, indeed, a "keeper," and his family are the best anyone could have. Also, I have frequently visited the site over these past almost 4 years and cannot put into words how much your support means to him, but to me as well. I talked briefly with Frankie tonight, and after a few unsettling events today, he was relatively comfortable and in good spirit! His "Dead Man Walking" is a wonderful gift and a true labor of love. No matter where the next phase of his journey takes him, his spirit shines always.


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Hi Frank,

Great to see you post. Kinda scarey when we don't hear from you. So I is such relief to see your name that you posted.

I am praying that they get the right combination of medicine to relieve you of your pain. I am sure once that is under control it will be so much easier for you.

G-d bless your Carol. Please let her know we are so grateful and relieved that she is right by your side, holding you up. "She is the wind beneath you wings".

I am sending prayers to her for strength.

Keep Hanging strong...


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We are all following you

reading the lines and

between them.

With Connie at your side

and prayers from us, you

will get way pass those

fifty two weeks that you

are going after.

Have a good week and soon

will be golf season to think

about and get ready for.



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I want you to know how much I admire your strength and courage in your fight against this BEAST!

I have always read your posts and was so impressed with your attitude for your fight and your compassion to others. Your sense of humor is wonderful and always brought smiles and laughs at times I didn't think I could smile or laugh anymore.

I am so glad you have Connie and a wonderful loving family. I am also glad to hear you have found a good hospice team. I pray they get your pain meds under contol and you are once again comfortable.

I along with everyone else can't wait to read the next 51 weeks of your entries in this jounal!

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Take Care,


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