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Frank Lamb - update


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Hi All: Pattie (Frank's sister) here with an update. I went to work yesterday but kept in touch with Connie. There has been no significant change in Frank's condition; however, last night he was running a fever. He continues to be able to monitor his pain level and answer Connie when she asks if he is comfortable or needs more pain meds. He does have a lot to say but it is hard for them to understand his dream language. The upshot seems to be that he is revisiting his life experiences (with no sign of discomfort). For me, that was some comfort because no matter what his life experiences have been over the years, he always met them with a sense of humor and the sheer joy of living. That he is able to go back and enjoy them again is quite wonderful! :)

I am at work now but will check with Connie later. She and his family are with him constantly. Again, let me express how we all value your support, concern, and prayers .... personally speaking, you will never know how much this means! I will keep you posted.

pattie darin

(Frank Lamb's sister)

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Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I'm supposed to be working, but needed to check here to see how our Frank is.

It made me feel good to hear about his revisiting life experiences. Frank has made all of us feel special, we want to help you through this time.


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Thanks for the update. Frank & Connie weigh heavy in our thoughts in this house. I am glad he is comfortable, Frank has been a friend for quite a while and I know if anybody can do this with good humor it is Frank.

His friend John.

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Oh Patti, I am so sad, my heart is heavy. What a sweet dear man you have for a brother. I am so happy he is comfortable and I only hope the end of his life's journey is as peaceful and pleasant as his life has been. Have Connie whisper in his ear how much we all love him and are there holding his hand in our heart.

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Thoughts and Prayers From the Starry skies in North Carolina tonite. I had to chuckle while I was reading Part of Art Buchwalds story about hospice this Morning. Made me think Of Fran In a Great way with Sense of Humour.

Love Hugs and Prayers For Frank, Connie, and his entire Family during this difficult time in Life.

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