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Chest pain, how long to expect


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Well, I'm enjoying being back at work and yes I'm taking it slow and easy. I have a question as I just complete Tx of 5xwkly Radiation and 1 x wkly Chemo. My chest hurt bad and I'm taking magic mouthwash from the doctor and pain med, how long can I expect this pain and the cough is back all day.

I just completed Tx Monday 2/5/07 and chills then I get hot sometimes with a little fever ag 100, Feeling pretty good with all of this but the pain.

Have not been scheduled for my CT-Scan and PET Scan to date waiting for phone call.

Thanks for listening


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You should probably contact your oncologists and let them know about these symptoms. The doctors might be able to give you something to alleviate the discomfort. I had very similar treatments and I do not recall having a fever or a great deal of pain in my chest. My radiation was right in the center of my chest on my esophagus, so it did hurt a lot when I ate, but only when I ate. That lasted about 2 to 3 months. I did have a cough and I was given steroids and cough medicines to control it. That also took several months for it to resolve itself. The fever and the pain seem unusual compared to what I and others have experienced so I recommend you let your doctor know about it. I am glad you are back to work. It will do wonders for your peace of mind.

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Tbones ... I agree with Tom let the doctor know about the fever and while you have them on the phone ask them about the pain, etc. Is the pain something that has come about since treatment started or were you having the pain before diagnosis? The radiation was heck to deal with for me ... I tolerated the Carbo and Taxol quite well. I completed treatments in early August and am going in for a PET scan tomorrow because of some pain I am experiencing. My pain may just be scar tissue from radiation or a form of neropathy that is just slowly driving me insane but I figure better to get it checked and put my mind at ease. Glad you have been able to return to work I think as long as you take it easy .. that working when you can is the best thing in the world you can do for yourself.

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I also had a very similar treatment and I had fever at the begining of my radiation for about 3 weeks. I had no other symptoms just fever. finally after 3 types of antibiotics it kicked and has never been back. I also had the eating problem but is slowing healing. The cough I had and i just dealt with it. I would check with my doc just to make sure.

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My chest pain was lessened with anti-reflux medication...

Fever, coughing and chills are not wonderful signs, let me voice my vote on contacting the doctor. Even a low-grade infection is not a good thing where you currently are in life.

Can you be a bit more specific on your pain? Is it internal, for example, when you swallow? The ache of a surgical scar? I had pain on the side of the surgery for some time, and still (almost four years out) have tender days on that side.

Here's hoping you're feeling better soon, and haven't caught some cooties carried by a member of the general public!

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I'm certainly no expert, but I agree with the others who are concerned about chills and fever. I know my Mom's medical oncologist told her that fever was a very important sign when she was having chemo, because the meds might decrease her WBC (they tend to be lowest about 2 weeks out from treatment as I understand it) Her doc was adamant that Mom call if she developed worsening cough, fever, or any indication that she might have an infection.

As for the pain - she began to dvelop the esophagitis last week. She also had some reflux (heartburn). SHe has been taking Prilosec 40 mg twice daily which has helped the reflux, magic mouthwash, and Sucralfate (she swears by this stuff)which help with the esophagitis. they all seem to help her chest pain (which is probably esophageal pain)They recently gave her some roxicet (a narcotic) because the pain was waking her at night, and the milder meds weren't getting her comfortable enough to go back to sleep

I guess my concern for you is that there's the possiblity of a little pneumonia cooking, and it would be good to get your doc to take a look.

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