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Things not good - update on my husband - back to hospital

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Oh jeez is right. I am so sorry things are here.

Ry-I think Carlton is on Keppra long-term like mom was and we used ativan for quick acting seizure control, mom had focal seizures and the ativan would make them slow down or stop.

Grace-you are doing such a marvelous job as his wife, caregiver and friend. I believe the reward is not here on earth. I am sorry it hurts. You are doing so well, I hope you know that.

Lots of love and XXOXOXOXOXO

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Dear Grace,

I have just seen your post and it has touched me beyond words.

My heart goes out to you. You must be physically and emotionally drained and distraught with grief.

My husband was "stubborn" too, I think they have to be as it is the only "control" they have left at this stage.

You didn't ask for any advice, but, from one who has "been there", I just wanted to encourage you to gather all your courage, strength and patience and try be as "close" to him as possible. Try to say all the things that are in your heart and just love him. You will not regret it, believe me.

God Bless you both and your lovely little girls,

I will be thinking of you. Paddy

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