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Now Dad has Cancer


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Hello everyone,

Today my Dad was diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer. My mother is not doing very well right now so this is the last thing we needed. He is worried about being able to take care of Mom. We do not know how bad it is as he is scheduled for a Bone scan next week. Mom is very weak and her counts have been running low. She is still taking chemo but we are not sure if it is working. Dad takes such good care of her and this news is very hard on both of them. Please keep our family in your prayers as we can use all the help we can get.

Thanks for listening,

Susan M.

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Oh Susan,

I am so very sorry to hear of your dad's cancer. I can completely empathize. My mom was diagnosed in March with NSCLC and then my dad was diagnosed in June with liver cancer. My dad had surgery and goes in for his follow-up appointment next week. So try to think positive. I know how very hard it is to have one parent with cancer, but two just makes it overwhelming! Hang in there and remember to take care of yourself. Blessings to you and I send you a big hug. Andrea

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Oh man! Susan, I am praying for you and your folks right now. Your courageous and caring folks...right there for each other in their time of need. You know, we can't truly fathom what it means when we say "in sickness and in health" on our wedding day until we see one of our parents sticking by the other in these tough moments. Thankfully we have more than one family member to help out when both need help. Hang in there. They are going to need your support a lot right now I am sure. Don't give up hope though. I have heard of so many men beating prostrate cancer and it sounds like your mom still has the fighting spirit within her as well. Good for her!

God bless~Karen M.

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I too, am in great awe when I see a couple sticking by each other at these frightening times.

They have raised a good child tho, and I wish all the strength you will need to get through this double battle. It sounds like you have it in you, but I know it will be hard. My heart goes out to you, and your lovely parents.

I hope Don comes in here to give you some words of encouragement about Dad condition. I personally know of SO many men that are still here after DX a very long time ago.

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Thinking of you all duing this stressful time. I do want to to let you know that during my chemo days I share a room with a lovely elderly couple. He has prostate cancer, and she has a type of lymphoma. They take chem together, and the way it works out it is that they both have their "rough" days together in the cycle. She told me that it makes it easier on the family to take care of both of them at the same time instead of spreading it out over a longer perioed of time. And she also admits that they don't need "much' caring for because the drugs for nausea work well for them.

Hope this is of help... and I'm sorry that this has happened to your family.

Fay A.

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When it rains, it pours.

My husband and I have had two friends within the past 3 months who have gone through prostrate surgery and now both are back to work. one is 63 and the other is 66. Both said it was no trouble with what they had to do. One had radiation treatments and the other didn't.

I know it must be like a nightmare and that you can't wake up from but I sure you are strong am I going to be praying so hard for you and both of your parents. Hope your mom is doing better. I have been really worried about her because I know she was having such a bad time.

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Susan hang in there,

My Dad got bladder cancer in 2000 and then Mom followed with lung cancer, so I know how hard it can be with both with it.

The ironic thing is I still tell people, "Nah it doesn't run in my family, no one has cancer we are all healthy" *hahah* joking aside, Hang in there and I will say a prayer for you.

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Thank you to everyone for your supportive works. Mom is not doing very well right now. She is having severe pain in her back and shoulders. I think her bone mets may be progressing. Don, I do not have alot of information about Dads cancer other than his PSA was 10 and his biopsy was positive for cancer. I told Dad that you are a 8 year prostrate cancer survivor and he smiled. Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. I will keep you updated.


Susan M.

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