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Sister's CT scan results


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Her doctor told her that he doesn't think there is any cancer left. He said there is a spot on her lung that they think is scar tissue, and it has shrunk since her last scan. He wants to continue to do a few more radiations on her to make sure. I am praying that it is only scar tissue. I am so afraid of a re-occurance. I don't think my sister even thinks there is a chance of one, which I guess is good. BUT, seeing the glass half empty, as I do, I was just wondering what are her chances of getting through all this without a re-occurance..Any thoughts are appreciated.


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My advice is to think positive and hope for the best. After my radiation series had been completed I was still doing chemo for a month or so. During that period my CAT scans were showing indications like you describe, which seriously concerned my Chemo Doc.

My Radiation Doc kept telling me to relax because it looked like scar tissue to her, but I was caught in the middle and going nuts because I trusted both of them. As things worked out it appears it was scar tissue. I understand it is very common but I'd rather have them concerned than unconcerned.


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That’s GREAT news. As for reoccurrence, my wife always tells me don’t borrow trouble. One of my favorite verses is:


“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

Take each day one at a time and enjoy it to the fullest even if you don’t have cancer. Keep us posted.

Stay positive, :)


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