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Up-date scheduled CT-SCAN & PET -SCAN


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I have the CT-SCAN scheduled next Feb 26th and PET-SCAN on Feb 27th then I meet again with my surgeon to discuss if He can remove the cancer mass.

This is the part of lets wait to see, almost like the begining. For the ones who know me I like control and again feel out of control. I get very cold and can't get warn sometimes and I cough a lot in the evening, whats that about?

Terry Bones

Prayers go up, and blessing comes down

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I know all about the 'waiting game' with scan results. I so hope the report will be a good one for you. Can't wait to hear about it. In the meantime............you just gotta breathe and let go of the control we so love to have. I'm pulling for you, Terry.


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The waiting is the pitts. The waiting for the scan results is even wors pitts. Just my guess that the coughing may be a result of the radiation you received to your chest area. You really should bring that concern up with your doctor. Praying that you have great scan results and move on to curative surgery.


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Well you sound like me. I waited for 4 months before I found out anything, so I know how that is. I have something on my head, sweatshirt and my thick fuzzie socks all the time so I stay warm. All that and I live in Texas which has been colder than normal to me. Today was 80 degrees so it has not been bad. Hey I get that cough everynight too. I think it is the radiation effects. Well good luck with the tests and everything prayers for good results.

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I don't know why, but it does seem that one of chemo's side effects is that feeling of being cold. Dress in layers or relax under a warm blanket. Randy W loves to wish people a warm blanket fresh from the dryer; not a bad idea!

Hopefully you will get good news soon!


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I cough every night when I crawl into bed and get ready for sleep. Sometimes, my throat has a "brain fart" while I'm sleeping and I wake up choking. That's my story on the coughing...

The other? I think you are experiencing a bit of anxiety. Really. A feeling of an elephant sitting on your chest? If it's a feeling of not being able to catch your breath, you may be experiencing a full-blown panic attack. I had one - the day after I was diagnosed.

It helps to focus on breathing when the panic and anxiety are wrapping their tentacles around your chest. Take a deep breath in, and let it out slowly. Another deep breath in - through your nose, and out slowly - through your mouth. Concentrate on those breaths, allow the tension to flow out of your body with the breath....

Sounds kinda hokie, but it works...

Good luck to you!

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My husband stays cold all the time & we're in Florida. We've had the heat on for the last week! He doesn't cough at night but he sure wheezes a lot and no wheezing at all during the day. As for the waiting, it's the hard part and I guess that's just part of all this. Good Luck


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I will be praying that the mass can be removed. I totally understand the control thing. I have adjusted to being okay with controlling the things I can...diet, excercise, supplements etc. I also get cold often and I like to curl up under the heating pad at night. Take care and hang in there.


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Me too cold all the time with chemo...I have the house heat cranked really high and everyone else complains about how hot it is in the house. My family tells me I cough alot at night while I sleep. I'm praying that your mass in your lung can be removed.


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