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Quick Update

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Not much time but took husband to doc after posting last week and he ordered CT which showed progression of original lung tumor and MRI which showed so many lesions on the brain that they stopped counting at 25. Doc said it is time for WBR and then chemo again. I had to tell hubby full story so he can make an educated decision regarding further treatment. He has decided to do the radiation but no more chemo. He is in tremendous amounts of pain even with the pain meds he has opted to take. This is HORRIBLE. I am now on leave from work because taking care of him and assuring his best chance for comfort is my number one goal. I can't believe what an unforgiving disease this is. The suffering is more than anyone should ever have to endure.

The doc said it is appropriate to call in hospice once radiation is complete. My hubby desires to take a trip to his favorite place in the world before he passes and I don't even know if we can do that since he is bedridden now. :cry:

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Just keep letting him have that dream and you never know what could happen. Sorry you are having such a rough time. I am glad he is taking pain meds now and the radiation will help with pain too. It helped Gerald alot. My husband is struggling right now and his sister is here from out East to help and spend time with him. It takes more than one person when things get rough so hopefully you have someone there who can help you. All the best. Heather

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Oh, I am so, so sorry. I cannot believe this is happening. You are such a strong, strong woman, and your husband is such a strong, strong man. Cancer is unforgiving, as you have said, but your love is so much stronger than it can ever be.

Please know you have my prayers. How are you on insurance issues? Was that an issue before?

God bless you Flower, you are a doll...stay strong, take care of yourself, and keep faith....

Dear Lord, may you watch over this woman and her husband, as they take a journey they most certainly don't deserve or could ever be prepared for. May you give your warm hand, your guiding wisdom, and your strong presence.


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I am just so sorry that you were hit with this bad news. You work so hard to take care of your husband--I hope you try to find a little time for yourself and your sanity. I am praying for you and your family so much. I just hate what is happening to you.


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So Sorry for everything. :cry::cry:

This disease is just so unfair.. I pray that they will be able to control his pain and he will get to visit his "special place".

Praying for your renewed strength.. Let us know if you need to vent and if there is anything we can do to help.


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Oh hun...I'm so sorry he's in such pain :cry:

Prayers that the radiation will help aleviate some of that for him. And never give up hope that he'll get to go back to his favorite place in the world...ya never know what tomorrow will bring.

Much love to all of you,

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