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Radiation Pneumonitis


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From my recent, but limited experience, the doctors said that it is usually visible on a CT scan...but there are also instances where it is not. My mom's oncologist brushed her off, because nothing showed on the CT scan. She finally went to see her pulmonologist who diagnosed her with it and has since put her on prednisone. Hope this helps!

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For some reason Oncs do not want to diagnose radiation pneumonitis. Please go to your pulm. specialist. My dad went through the same thing, he ended up walking out on his radiologist because he just wasnt listening when my dad told him he was short of breath. The sooner you find out the better you will be. Dont hesitate.

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Cathy is so right about the oncologists not wanting to diagnose radiation pneumonitis. My Pulmonary Specialist has been taking care of all of that. I dont't think rad pneu (shorter version) should be taken lightly more because I have it so bad, that I think it is now worse then the cancer.

Unfortunately, I know I'll never get over either disease. I keep up the battle but it sure is getting me down mentally and physically.

I know this doesn't answer your question about the CT scans, etc. but I will say that he does an occasional chest x-ray, I get scans again on Monday, but not sceduled for a broncoscopy. I am on oxygen 24/7 and now up the meter to 4 and 5 instead of 3. I just can't breathe. And, I panic and make it worse when I can't breathe. The last several days have been a nightmare of not being able to breathe but I think a lot of it is self inflicted!

I'm really on a downer as you can see and I'm sorry for whining around on your posts. I vow to do better in the future.

Sue M


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Thanks everyone for your responses. I took your advice and went to see my Pulminary Doc. -- Actually, I hadn't seen him since he gave me the initial bad news last January. Since I have been seeing my surgeon, Radiation Oncologist and Medical Oncologist on such a regular basis, I didn't think I needed to see the Pulm Doc, but you all changed my mind and I'm glad you did!

He gave me an inhaler to use for a week and see if that helps -- I have a broncoscopy scheduled for this Friday. If that comes up inconclusive (no tumor, no infection), he will prescribe "a short course of Pretisone". A relief in sight for this lingering cough? BRING IT ON!!! :wink:

Thanks again!

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