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In light of the news in the last few day with Elizabeth Kerry and Tony Snow, I sent the following email to the White house today.

Subject: Cancer - Not just a myth

"His attitude is, one, that he is not going to let this whip him, and he's upbeat. My attitude is that we need to pray for him, and for his family," Bush said. From "Yahoo"

President Bush,

My attitude is "If we spent half the money that we've wasted, killing people across the globe in the last 4 years, on cancer research, we wouldn't have to depend on prayers to save our lives."


Elizabeth L****

Cancer Patient

Please join me and attempt to speak to the government, while they are most vulnerable.



Do you have the figures to back up the claim you made in your email? If you do please post them. Before you ask others to join you in your endeavor, it might be wise to supply the information so that others can make an informed decision based on real information not just belligerent accusations.



I agree, Liz. Now that cancer has once again been brought to the forefront of the news, emailing and encouraging increased funding for research certainly cannot hurt!

And not to get into a political debate, but the Bush Administration has seen consistent cuts in cancer research funding (since 2003), specifically to the NCI. For FY 2008, there is a proposed $11 Million cut, I believe.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... refer=news



I saw today on the internet that 412 trillion dollars has been spent on the war so far. Whether this is true or not, I can not say, as I'm not privey to an accounting of the nickles and dimes that are being spent. I've also seen that 3242 American military personel have been killed and thousand more injured. There's also been 65,660 civillians killed. Not to mention all of the Iraq military. But this all pales when compared to over 500,000 people that die from cancer each year. And while I can't back up the claim that we would have a cure for cancer if this money was spent on research, I surely would be one of the many that would applaude the effort of further research. And while I walk in the shadow of death, you watch me from the side lines. And I see that you are also a believer in prayer. What other facts do you need for me to back up my belligerent accusations? Hugs, Liz


GO get em Liz! We need some attention and funds on the cancer research side! Don't worry about negative comments...one would have to be either not paying attention or insane to not see what an imbalance our governments expenditures are on the "war" and otherwise!

The governments priorities are certainly not mine nor are they in the best interest of most of the US population. I have seen and felt the effects of what I have been told is going to improve the situation. We have mediocre healthcare at best and while our "great divide" is fighting trivial issues the rest of us suffer having to deal with the REAL issues.



Liz, I support your efforts and I too will join you in making noise on behalf of lung cancer research and bringing awareness to lung cancer. It sure can't hurt. We have nothing to lose. Way to go Liz!!!

Some of us may not always be politically correct, but our hearts are in the right direction and that alone speaks volumes.


I sent an e-mail. You don't have to debate the war if that's not your style. I just think it helps that these prominent people are fighting the same battle as me and we should take this opportunity to make some more noise. Good thinking, Liz.


Well i guess i'll be the war monger from the look's of the position's i've seen taken. Let's see was 9-11 just a illusion?? Have not the Jihadist made it plain what there intention's are. I have one Son who is a 3 timer in IRAQ as a Speacial forces soldier and trust me he has came back and told me thing's that should scare any freedom loving American. I have my youngest son who was wounded in IRAQ and is in ongoing treatment and say's he'd do it over again. I personally think far to many American's watch to much New's such as CNN which has a political agenda.As for money cut's for cancer research from the Goverment my opinioun is where the cut's are at as most people know's that Goverment duplicates it's self in just about every stage.But one final thought on all this and what if we stopped the fight against terrorism and brought our soldier's home which would only imbellish the Terrorist to openly attack us what good would that so called saved money be then if we end up living as the Israelies do. I respect most people's opinion's whether i agree or not as such here are my view's. Oh and one last thing i failed to mention and that is when we pulled out of Vietnam the communist murdered over one million Vietnese and why because no one was there to stop them. Like my one son has told me Dad i don't like having to kill but if we leave before the time is right there will be wholesale slaughter that will more than likely make Saddam look like a nice guy. If only thing's were so simple as some would like......Oh i almost forgot and that is from what little i know but i understand most new Cancer treatment's come from and i provided by the huge evil Pharmacieutical companies....


On CNN a few months back with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Lance Armstrong - wasn't the statement made that very few pharmas are doing research for metastasized cancer and very few dollars were going into it? I beleive so. I am hoping that with these 2 VERY public figures, one of each political persuasion, that someone somewhere will Demand with Authority (read - the prez) that more time and $$ be spent on researching mets and treatments.

I totally agree, less $$ for taking lives, more $$ for saving lives.


Enemies are always going to exist, even if we win this war. We could go on forever fighting. What next, North Korea? Iran?

I agree with supporting cancer research. Compared with money going to wars, so little is going to research.

I guess the important thing is to vote for the right people in the future and not to give up asking for support for a cure.



I agree that actual figures are needed in any letter to the government, something that says you are not just stating feelings, but facts. Also, it's not Elizabeth Kerry, it's Elizabeth Edwards.

I believe the numbers dying in a war effort, whether I believe in the war or not, have nothing to do with the money spent on cancer research, those are two totally different departments of government. You could also compare money spent on campaigns, such as that for the presidency, with money not spent on research.

I would not support pulling money from what is deemed "national security" for cancer research, and I am NOT watching from the sidelines. I would, however, support legislation that forces states to use the monies received from Big Tobacco to fund LUNG CANCER research, HEART DISEASE research, SMOKING CESSATION clinics, and educating school children in the dangers of smoking.

Last I checked, it's still a free country. Anyone can write letters to any governmental body and state their opinion. Can't hurt to try.


With no disrespect intended but any time you involve the Goverment in any thing is that not Political. And i still believe that the Pharmaceutical companies are the one's that finance research for 99% of new medicine's as after all they are the one's who benefit financially from it.And i too remember Tony Snow,Kerry Edward's and all suffereing from pain and suffering of all deseases and from war in my daily prayer's....


It's hard not to make this a political conversation...and like all things when resources go one place, they do not go the other.

It's hard not to think what is the death toll from terrorist acts versus cancer...and what is the "disproportionate response."

There is no argument that world wide cancer claims more lives than terrorism. HOWEVER, terrorist regimes claim the hearts and souls of peopel with every act of terrorism committed. However with every cancer death, those who knew them, their hearts and souls are affected.

At the end of the day both terrorism and cancer need to be stopped. Their effects are catastophic...period.

I support finishing what we start, as abandoning a people who rely on us for their safety is not how you act as a responsible ally nation...

And quite frankly, I have little faith in the government coming up with the cure for cancer. Only we will be able to do that by funding research ourselves.

BTW, if you oppose what the government does with your $$$s, your protest is to donate to cancer causes...your tax bill will be reduced and we will be one step closer to a cure.

See, the government does in effect give you a choice.


Folks, let's not split ourselves by making this partisan. As we have seen this week and on this board, cancer has NO respect for whether you are Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Black or White, Male or Female, etc.

On another thread I posted an op-ed piece making the case for an increase in lung cancer funding. I've now got three papers interested in running it this Sunday. I will make it available to anyone who wants it to take to your papers or for the lungevity foundation to use any way they see fit. Once it is published I also plan to send it to both of my Senators as well as to my Congressman. Heck, I don't mind sending a copy to the White House either. I work in communications and public relations--one of my areas is the political arena. You don't persuade people by insulting them--that's just human nature and it doesn't matter the political perisasion of the sender or the receiver. You do persuade people by being factual, human, and relentless. I'm willing to lend my talents in whatever way I can.--Susan


I'm sorry if I offended anyone. It was not my intent. I was shooting from the hip when I wrote. I was just offended by his attitude. There is just so much more we could be doing that would benefit all of mankind. Hugs, Liz

"My attitude is that we need to pray for him, and for his family," Bush said.


Yeah, definitely no offense...

But what I trhink people SHOULD take from this thread is that it's the governments job to fund an army and an infrastructure.

I think it's all our jobs to support initiatives which will cure cancer.

Look at polio...that wasn't the US goverment...it was the march of dimes...which was the realization if we were going to cure this dreaded disease, we needed to do it outside of the establishment...and so we did.


I don't understand why we spend money to kill people and at the same time cut funding for research that can save lives.

If we consider that it's not only the 3000+ troops we've lost and the 2000 or so on 9/11 but we've also probably condemned many, many more than that who are current or future cancer survivors because we are slowing cancer research.

You might be interested in this blurb from CBS news.

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/01/ ... 0032.shtml

Yes it's political, but it's personal when you have cancer.

As former senator Edwards pointed out, he and his wife have financial resources, but many, many cancer survivors are forced to go right back to work the day after their diagnosis because they can't afford to quit their jobs or loose their health insurance.


"blaze100"]I don't understand why we spend money to kill people and at the same time cut funding for research that can save lives.

To be honest (and I'm not trying to start a fight, just offering a point of view from where I stand), I find this to be a rather simplistic and offensive view of our military and the job they are asked to do. My husband didn't sign on the dotted line because 'he wanted to kill people,' he signed because he wanted to serve and protect our country. Sometimes that means lives are lost--not just in this conflict but throughout history.

That said.... I *do* think the government could and should be coughing up more money to eradicate cancer.... and if I remember correctly, money for cancer reserach comes out of the DOD funds for whatever reason.

So by all means send those emails. Make the noise.

Just.... don't be mean to by husband. ;)


Hi Treebywater, I am not blaming the military and the good folks who defend us. I am sorry if you took my comments that way. I did not mean to offend.


The troops do not make big budget decisions resulting in cutting cancer research. The senate and administration do.

For every year we delay research to find a cure for cancer, lung cancer alone will kill another 160,000 Americans. Compare that to the casualties in the war. Where are the priorities of our leaders?



Ok one last comment and as i recall and the year was i believe was during the Nixon administration that the Goverment allocated million's of dollar's to find a cure for Cancer and after all those year's according to the last stat's i recall reading the result's had been very small.Also i thought i read some where that the best result's have come in a life style changes such as what we eat , drink and smoke.So just maybe those people who promote natural medicine's might be on to some thing.....

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