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Don M update 4-13-07 cyberknife is a go

Don M

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[ trish2418 ] Can we make this post a STICKY???? I'm sure someone else is going to have to go through this battle in the future and our wonderful Don M has created a how-to manual for approval!

Great idea! This was the best thing I've read in days. Going to PM KatieB right now. Aloha,


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Very impressed with your stick-to-it-iveness and the results you got! Way to go, man! I'm in your corner all the way! Not only is this positive for you, but it might very well be the information and inspiration that helps someone else. Thanks!

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  • 3 months later...

I've been doing some reading getting caught up on your status, what a long way you've come and what a battle you have most likely saved so many people in the future who will know a little more about how to fight for what they deserve!

I'm happy to see you are doing well.


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  • 7 months later...


You are truly an inspiration, not only on this site but elsewhere, what a fighter you are. To date I haven't been faced with a fight of such magnitude, I pray if the time ever should come I will remember what you have done and see if I can retrace your steps, or better yet sic you on them, LOL.

My continuing best wishes and prayers to you,

Greeneyes (aka Toddy)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Don....so happy you fought till you won...another example that 'knowledge in power'....you go kiddo....I just know the cyberknife is gonna kick that tumor in the butt...Good luck...you are certainly and inspiration to all of us


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