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I just spoke with the oncologist. I had a bone scan on Friday because the pain in my ribs and sternum and back has been worse lately. He said that there is a "very small" suspicious spot on my lower right rib, but there is only one, and it is smaller than a dime. The radiologist things it looks more like trauma than tumor--like maybe it's an old break that never healed well. I can say that I have had pain in that area during the many episodes of bronchitis I have had in my life, so that's a believable explanation. Anyway, he doesn't recommend radiation at this point--thinks I ought to sit tight for a while and wait and see. He is also working on getting me referred to MD Anderson--he sent records down last week and is waiting on a call back. So hopefully that will get going before long.




That is great news. Hope you get to go to MD Anderson soon and they find that the Iressa has made the tumor disappear. Keep the faith. Praying for you everyday.

God Bless and praying for a "Cure" for all of us........



Heard from the oncologist last night. He had talked to MD Anderson again and they have agreed to see me. (I am interested in lcinical trials, and they wanted information about what I have already done and my current condition before they would agree to that.) He said I should be hearing from them this week, and if I haven't gotten a call by Thursday morning I should call him back.


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