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Jodi....how did you know?

Guest neotas

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Guest neotas

My mother just got diagnosed with mesothelioma this week, so I am looking for information. I saw your post about being a survivor of this disease. It is AWESOME you have been free of this for a while! :D

I hope you don't mind me asking....what were your first symptoms? How did you get diagnosed? You are so young and do not fit the normal profile. Of course, nothing about cancer is normal.

My mother's disease is advanced already. She had left shoulder pain in Feb of this year and that was her first symptom. Her left lung is consumed and basically unfunctional and there is a spot on her liver. She sees an oncologist on Tuesday.

I would appreciate any info you could share!

Thank you,


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i'm sorry to hear that your mom has meso (the short way of saying it) i hope her trip to the doctor goes well on tuesday. i'm sorry to be writing this so late, i have been sick, a virus is going around and i got it. anyway, it was really a miracle that the meso was found. i got pneumonia twice in a two week period. i finally went to a doctor and they saw an odd coloration on my upper left lung from a chest x-ray. it took several months to find out that it was meso and then because of my age it was hard for almost everyone to believe. i'm not sure how i got it and probably never will. it's going to be hard to deal with. i want you to know that most people die of this cancer and in a short amout of time. i'm not saying this to scare you, but to be truthful. medically they don't know alot and have very little treatment possibalities. i was lucky in that the Mayo clinic is in Minnesota and i went there for a second opinion. had i not i wouldn't be alive today. the best place to go more information and support is MARF. Mesothelioma applied research foundation inc. at www.marf.org they are up to date and working toward finding a cure for meso. i hope this has helped some and that i have answered your questions. i pray that what ever is decided about your mom's care will be the best thing for her. i believe in second opinions, without mine i would have missed out on alot. if you would like to email me directly my address is wholelung@yahoo.com good luck and god bless. jodi

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