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Five Years At Stage IV This Month


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This month (can’t remember the exact date, good enough for government work) marks five years at Stage IV. I am very blessed and fortunate by God to be able to still be here THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE IN MY LIFE-- my wife, my (my pride and joy) daughter, my family, my friends and a very dedicated group of doctors and nurses who have helped me overcome not only lung cancer but also many other health issues to keep me alive. I hope this helps others in their journey. Was not always easy or fun and did come close to meeting the big guy (yes folks I plan on taking that elevator ride up not down LOLOL) last year. A dash of attitude and a dash of laughter goes a long way. So kiss my gluteus maximus lung cancer, I’m going to win this battle! As long as there is life there is hope-- Never Never Never Give Up!!!!!

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Congratulations on reaching the 5 year mark. Wow- it seems like only yesterday you started posting with those stupid chimp pictures (chimp lovers don't write me, I'm kidding). Do something special for yourself to mark the occasion. I am very happy for you and your family.


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Guest Nic

I know I don't post a lot, but I just wanted to say that reading this post brought tears to my eyes. Your spirit and your journey are both so inspiring. I am wishing you, and all of our loved ones on this journey, many more celebratory milestones!

God Bless,


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You have forged a path for so many here, Rich, me among them. May you continue on this road to 5 more years, then 5 more, and so on and so on. Congratulations and a big thank you for all your contributions. I remember meeting you the first time in the summer of '05 and knew at once you were one very special guy. I salute you!



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