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Thinking of Flowergirlie

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Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and give everyone else a chance to tell you also. You have been a great comfort to me and I want to do the same for you. Hope things are getting easier for you. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you through this.



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Flowergirlie is an inspiration and will continue to be. Even with all she's going through, she's consistently been a great help to me personally. I couldn't thank her enough. She's full of strength and compassion -- an unbeatable combination.

Hugs to you Melinda...

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I so appreciate all of your thoughts and kind words! It has been a difficult adjustment, as I am sure you can imagine, for all of us. One of my sons and I are currently preparing for a bike ride (tomorrow) for the lung association in memory of my sweet hubby. We are trying to learn how to express our deep loss in a way that can help others through our experience and with our energies. I continue to think of all of you daily as I try to pick up the pieces for our family.

Hugs to all of you!


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