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Harry smoked the least expensive brands, depending on where he stopped to get them. I've often wondered if one company did something a little different to their cigarettes too.... like add even MORE nasty chemicals to the tobacco then another company...?

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I got a list; Marlboro Reds, Narlboro Lights Marlboro 100,s and fianally marlboro Menthols. You tell me quitting ain't easy. Thats why so manyChanged when we thought we could quit and just wound up switching Types. Been 4 years and 1 month today!!!!!

While we are discussing tobacco products; here is an interesting link

http://globalink.org/tobacco/trg/Chapte ... tives.html

and this one also;

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ad ... cigarettes

gotta get off my Soapbox now!!!! :mrgreen:

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Mom's brand of choice when she was still smoking (she quit 20 years before diagnosis) was Kool Menthol's...but more often than not you'd find her with whatever was the cheapest (the "el cheapo floor sweepings" or "generic" cigarettes) in menthol.

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Mom smoked Doral Menthol Lights all her life. On occasion she'd switch to the 100's but then she'd go back.

I was a Marlboro man. Full flavored reds in the flip top box. It never changed if I could help it.

My step mom smokes Pall Malls, and my younger brother began smoking Marlboro lights when he relapsed recently.

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My mom smoked Lark's for a while then the cheaper brands and my dad was a Lucky Strike man. My choice was Kool menthol

Randy,dont get off the soap box just yet. The fact and figures that you give us are great. I used a list of the additives to help me quit smoking 8 years ago. when i felt I needed a cigarette I read the list and was so disgusted that it curbed the craving.

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At age 13 I smoked Salem Menthol's for the first year. Then I smoked Marlboro regular red pack until I was in my early twenties, then switched to Marlboro Light 100's for awhile. Then through my 30's I smoked marlboro ultra light 100's. During my many summer's in Italy I smoked MS regular.


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We smoked Marlboro Lights. I don't think it matters too much personally. I think they are all dirty rotten scoundrels for putting additives in them. I had a love affair with smoking and never wanted to hate them like I do now, but it took my hubby away and that wasn't worth all those years of smoking to me. It is always in hindsight I guess, but then again, would he have been taken by another means?

I am off smoking for almost 9 months now. Saves a lot of money for sure and my kids love the fresh new momma but hate that pops is gone.


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Interesting topic. My Dad smoked True Menthols like a chimney and had terrible coughing and emphysema symptoms since i was a kid. Ironically died of liver cancer, not lung. My Mom smoked those aweful Eve 120's! The cigarette with the weird flowers around the filter that were SUPER LONG! My Mom stopped cold turkey 8 years ago after chain smoking for 50 years. YAY!!!!! Way to go Mom!!! I totally understand the pull and the addiction, just wish that more people could quit. :(

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I guess in high school I smoked Viceroy-40cents a pack!! Then onto Winston 100's then generic 100's then, Marlboro lights 100's. I did quit in 2001 for 2 yrs, then the cancer relapsed and I started again-hiding it!! :oops::oops: Now i still smoke BUT only outside and not much. Just can not get in the mood to stop totally again. Maybe one day!!


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husband smokes Marlboro lights....

and unfortunately is still doing it...prob even more!

I hate buying them for him.... I feel like an accomplice! then at the cigarette store..they smile and thank you for your business, give you a lighter and a punch card to get discounts on MORE!!

I think to myself sarcastics thoughts of "yep..here I am buying cigarettes for my husband who is at home dying of lung cancer...."

I hate those tobacco co too!

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Most people do not know this, but I liv ewithin driving distance of all of these companies and work down the stret rom Lorillard Headquarters. There si one section of town where their Manufacturing plant is and most days the air smells like cigarette smoke!! NOt where I live though.

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I lived in Winston-Salem right after college. On an overcast day the entire city smelled like one giant cigarette from the RJR factories.

It was awful, but when I made some comment about it to the volunteers for the non-profit I worked at I was told "When you smell that perfume, it means our husbands are working."

I haven't thought about that smell in a long time.


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That comment reminds me of when people complain about our "Fresh Iowa Air" that, especially in the summer, isn't so fresh and will be told by anyone in listening distance that "It's the smell of money."

Doesn't make methane smell any better and the jobs don't make the smell there any better, either!

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