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Our Friend, Janet K.

Fay A.

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Janet is in the hospital, and I would like to steal a page from Donna G's book on how to cheer up a fellow Lung Cancer Survivor. I'm using this forum, because to my knowledge Janet has posted only here. If you will send her your good wishes I will print them up and either mail them overnight to her home so her husband can bring them to her, or take them to her myself if I am able to do so sometime this weekend.

I know it will mean a lot to her to hear from all of you...


Fay A.

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Dear Janet, just wanted to let you know that many prayers are being said for you. I am looking forward to your coming back as soon as you can and letting us know how you are doing. In the meantime, thank you Fay for the heads up-and for being the messenger for us and Janet.

Janet, take care of yourself-Deb

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Hi Janet,

Love the name, my sister's name was Janet also. Sure hope you are feeling better by today. Hope it was pneumonia like you wanted. It sure is funny to be hoping someone has pneumonia but I sure understand why.

Get well soon and will be praying for you each night.

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