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Sonia Owen

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I wanted to share with you, my families very special afternoon.

We were invited to go to one of our local churches, for a service to be with others who have lost their loved ones to cancer. The local hospice holds two remembrace services,a year for families to attend if they want to.

The church was full,all ages.For myself I found it hard,as I could not sing the hymns,as my eyes kept filling with tears. Looking around me there were others,wiping their eyes.

They read a story for the little ones about a poor blackbird that had died, the other animals buried it and weht on their way, as they passed a tree, they heard the beautiful song, from the blackbird. My sign from my Dad has been a singing robin, very close to me, and I feel in my heart its my Dad telling me he is ok, and he is fine.

They read out the verse, FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND, which is lovely.

After the service, we all wrote a label and tied it to a ballon. All together we went outside, and let them fly into the sky, shouting what ever to our loved ones.Love you Dad.

On my Label I wrote, Our Dad, keep singing little robin I love you.

I will close now, as I can feel the tears coming into my eyes. God Bless you all.

Love Sonia UK XXXXX

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Thank you for sharing your story and tears. It is OK to feel sad and miss your dad. I know it is so hard. It is a special gift when someone you love who's passed sends something to give you comfort. Mine is a dragonfly.

I am glad it was a beautiful day to celebrate and respect your dad.


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