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Nodule watcher


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I'm hesitant to even post anything on nodules when so many people have much more serious issues than mine. I was hoping some current and past nodule watchers could give me some opinions on how to proceed. I had my 3rd ct scan to watch a nodule and here are the results:There is a persistent poorly marginated focal subpleural opacity measuring 4MM in diameter in the posterolateral left lower lobe,unchanged since 12/06 & 8/06. Stable poorly marginated low density subpleural opacity in the posterolateral left lower lobe. This remains indeterminate with regards to its malignant potential but has not changed appreciably since 8/06 and 12/06 exams. Recommend continued follow up ct in 6 months. No new opacacities are evidenet elsewhere other than an aread of scarring or atelectasis in the left upper lobe of doubtful significance and possibly due to the prone positioning.

Am I suppose to just wait every 6 months like the Dr's say? How often do solitary nodules turn in to something more? Any insight would be helpful.



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Hi tag,

There are MANY nodule watchers here, my own DH being one of them. He's been watching 3 of them in 3 different lobes for almost 2 years now with no noticeable change. His GP says he needs no more CT scans after the 2 year mark, BUT we have a world renowned thoracic specialist (MY doc) who also is reviewing his scans. He says he should continue scans once a year.

MOST times these nodules do remain unchanged and there is nothing to do. Because they are so small, all one can do at this stage is what you've been doing........just waiting and watching. We all know it STINKS ~ but that's the way it is :? .

If you use the Search function and type in nodules, you'll get lots of hits and you can read all about them and how folks deal with them here.

Try to take several deep breaths, step back, and do the best you can to just put it aside until your next scan. Now you realize that NON of us can do that, but that's the best advice I have to give.


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You have had two scans with no growth. That's great. Once they find something to watch they will watch. Think of it as going every few months to confirm that nothing is wrong. There are thousands of people with nodules who do not even know they nave them. They could be caused by a lot of things besides cancer.

Stay positive, :)


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I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and very helpful to keep me in check. It is so easy to become doubtful of what decisions to make when it comes to the unknown. I wish the best to you!


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