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Hi Guys,

Its been a while since my last post and I apologize. We've had a lot to do, engagement party (a real hit), everyone loves our apartment, which in new york city is a compliment next best to "you look like and underwear model." Then we had my sister's wedding which was great but not was I expecting. I was a week out of chemotherapy and I thought I would just have to show up, play the ipod (my duty) and give a toast. I had doubts I would feel well enough to take that 2.5 hour car drive. Anyway, I felt ok, so we did it, but Julia and I turned into virtual maids of honor and best man because sis and husband had none. Lots of labor. and I couldn't help but look around at the 50 / 60 young guys sipping martinis not lifting a finger. They didn't have chemotherapy 5 days ago. They don't have painful bone metastases. I didn't say anything, just grumbled and did my job like the loyal brother I am.

The wedding was also weird because there were bunches of family, almost of all them on my mother's side who had not seen me post-diagnosis. I was expecting some awkward/annoying comments and questions but was pleasantly surprised to see myself only having to politely walk away from one person.

Then my dad came into town and I was sick. We did some tourist stuff which was kind of awesome (Top of the Rock and the Tram ride) and we ate at some of our favorite restaurants including Eleven Madison Park, where jules and I got engaged.

Our wedding date is on Yom Kippur, probably the holiest day in the faith. This has caused some consternation, but we're plowing ahead. My dad gave me some serious flack for this, even guilt tripping me about my now deceased grandma and how disappointed she would be that we were'nt taking Yom Kippur seriously enough- and this is coming from a sixty year old jewish man who hasn't been to Temple since his dad took him as a teenager.

So I said, look, I know it hurts, but I have deep respect for our tradition and where we come from. I think all of us who were skeptical should attend the wedding and then attend Yom Kippur services the next day (the day that matters) for several hours. *That* would make the weekend probably the most observant Yom Kippur I know my dad or I have ever had. And *that* is what would please my grandmother most, may she rest in peace.

So, we're slowly getting back into our groove. Briefly thinking about moving out the burbs, then coming right back to our love of the city. Its too good!

If you're in town, PM me and let's meet up for coffee or tea. Beer doesn't mix well with chemotherapy which I am stubbornly and slowly learning.

I feel great - almost normal except for this pain episode I just endured. I am living like a normal person.

One more thing. Later today, 6/12, I have to go to hearing before the character and fitness committee where yours truly is the guest of honor. I have a felony conviction for some stupid stuff that happened when I was still in high school. Its been trailing me since then - people telling me I would never become a lawyer because I can never pass the committee hearing since its a felony, etc. even though that felony experience is the reason why I became a lawyer. Anyway, they know I am sick and they know I am continuing to work. The senior lawyer for my office and a judge whom I have been practicing in front of for the past year and a half will be there. I am teeny bit nervous but the oxycodone i was forced to take has given me some intense calmness.

So, please think of me at 2 pm today. I am getting grilled about one of the defining moments in my life (next to cancer, obviously) for hours. Wrong answers = no admission to bar. Right answers = I actually become a lawyer.

Hoping to post more often. Keep living. Eat sundaes. Listen to music loud.


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Hey Aaaron,

It's good to hear from you, sounds like you've had your hands full. If I hadn't had a similar experience myself I would never have beleived that a bunch of young, healthy people would kick back and relax and let you do all the work, but as I said, I've had a similar experience. What I took from it is that I love life, and I'm going to participate in every part of it for as long as I can, and if that means working while others sit on their butts, then so be it. I'm sure it meant the world to your sister to have you their, supporting her on her big day.

I'll be thinking of you at 2 (or at least 2-ish). From what you've written it seems to me that you would make a fine lawywer, and the world might be a better place for it.

Good luck to you.


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Here's to the future " Law office of Aaron, Aaron, and Aaron - Attorney at Law".... (They always have several names jammed in the Title!)(You could call your practice "Triple A", for short!)

The VERY best of luck to you! :)


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Hi Aaron, I'm glad you're starting to live normally again. I keep up on your progress on your web site. Interesting art. It sounds like the old Aaron is starting to peek through. You will be fine today, as you speak from the heart. We will be with you in spirit. Make sure we gat an update tonight. I want to know how it goes. Hugs, Liz

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I am glad to see your update! I'll be thinking of you at 2, sending positive thoughts and many prayers that they'll see how you've turned that part of your life into such a positive experience and it's made you who you are today...a well-rounded, thoughtful, considerate, hard-working man. I'm just sure they'll admit you to the bar!!!

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I am glad you checked in with us, thought I was gonna have to track you down. You will be fine at your hearing...just reiterate that you learned from a bad experience and it made you a better person. You could also steal Paris Hilton's "I used to be dumb" line. :lol: I will be thinking of you at 2:00-- please come back quickly and let us know how it went.

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Hi Aaron,

Wow you have neen a very busy bee. Thanks for letting us know that you are okay and plugging along.

I am glad everything seems to be working out for you.

Good luck today. At least the anxiety you have had follow you all these years will finally be brought to a halt. I have a good feeling this will work out to your benefit.

Everything crossed here for results in your favor.

Maryanne :wink:

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Thanks for checking in. I hope the hearing goes well! Let us know.

As for the wedding, from a former NYer and Jewish girl I say good for you and do what is best for you. Your grandmother would be so happy that you found the girl of your dreams :)

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Hi Aaron,

Glad to see you're doing o.k. I've been checking in to where's my p53 too to keep tabs on you.

I've been meaning to tell you that my son got his first baseball from Billy Wagner at a D-Backs/Mets game this year. He was talking to him the whole game - our seats were right next to the visitor's bullpen. It was my son's Favorite Game Ever.

Good luck today at the hearing - I think you'll pass with flying colors.


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Hey, Aaron -- 2:00 in NY will be 8:00 a.m. in Hawaii, and we'll be leaving the house heading down the hill towards Aiea/Pearl City for my Avastin refresher. The wife will be driving, so I'll be thinking about you guys out there. If the powers-that-be have any sense at all, they'll recognize that your life experience will make you a much better lawyer than some goody-two-shoes who's never had a brush with the law or other significant adversity in his unremarkable life. You'll do great!

Some day you need to tell me the origin of your nickname/ID. Sashimi is a big deal out here, especially during the holiday season when prices go through the roof. My wife's family is of Japanese origin, and when we were married 30 years ago they were pleasantly surprised that I had a taste for it (with lots of hot mustard and shoyu) which I'd developed years before that.



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I love reading your posts! You are so animated, I can just picture you typing away! So glad you felt good for the wedding, even though it was "odd" and I say, hey, you have a wedding whenever you like. Blessings to you, of course....

Will be thinking of the "right" answers for you today!


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It is almost 3PM here in California. I see you as one of New York States newest members of the New York bar whether it has been announced or not. Congratulations in advance on your upcoming post and announcement, and God Bless you. :D:D:D


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