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Getting to Know You - June 13


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I have to have Mom's house done by Friday... :?

I also want to stain our swing set this week. Of course my grandma used to say that you can wish in one hand and *poop* (not her word) in the other and see which one fills up faster. She was a true gem..

:) Kelly

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Hi Ann, Welcome back. I hope your back is better.

It is getting my nails and a pedicure as I have my sisters 50th ann. on Friday night. We have relatives coming in tomorrow and Joel has to pick them up at the airport after his Onochologist appoitment to find out about his Ct. And on top of this I had a Grand opening in one of my stores 2 hours away today and had to set up a P&G table. Tomorrow (Joel's apointment day) I have an appointment meeting with 50 people which Ihave to attend as this was made awhile ago. I feel so guilty about not being with Joel and that he has to pick up my brother and his family up at the airport.

Anyway there is some light here.... I was able to leave the grand opening early and they fit me in and I got my nails and toes done.

By the end of the week. I am having compamy for fathers day... lots and I have to do all the food shopping etc for Sunday... so I have a busy Sat. and I am just exhausted.

I will say that Joel went a little nuts and really cleaned this house... top to bottom.... I mean wall, wax floors, the woodwork,rented a rug cleaner and did the rugs, did the cabinets and scubbed the cement on our patio out back where the barbacue is and our porch. He is exhausted.

Aren't you glad I responded? :roll:

Welcome back my friend... you were really missed.

Maryanne :wink:

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