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need some advice, encouragement etc.


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Its me again. When we found out mom had cancer, it was hard in the beginning, but became accustomed to taking care of her until she was able to do things for herself. Now that she has had a stroke she is not able to do things for herself. I help her walk, dress, bath and do physical therapy. All of this is new territory for me and I thank God I am able to do it for her, but she is so depressed right now I am not sure what to say to her. I called her doc today and asked if they could give her some antidepressants, have to call back tomorrow cause the doctor wasnt in. She says she is going to beat this if it kills her. I dont cry in front of her because I want to be strong for her. I know that mom is strong and she is a fighter but I am so scared right now. The tumors are not gone in her liver but there are fewer of them and they have all shrunk. So my question is can they still do chemo after she has had a stroke and is radiation a possiblity to get rid of the liver tumors. Also, I know the liver rejuvenates itself, so with the tumors shrinking and going away will there be enough healthy liver to rejuvenate? Any and all advice, answers are greatly appreciated.


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I wish I had more to offer for advise. I am so sorry for all that you and your mom have had to endure. I do know how hard it is to watch your mom struggle. I understand your fear!

Your mom sounds strong even in the face of everything she has dealt with. Your love and dedication shines through in all that you are doing for her.

I will pray for your family. Try to keep your faith. COntinue to come here to ask questions because even though I can't offer to much advise I know someone will!!!

Keep fighting,


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Dear Rhonda, I am so sorry, I lost my mom to nsclc in 1994, it was one of the hardest things I had gone thru. That is until I ended up with sclc and have to watch my kids go thru what I did.

You are doing everything just right. Get her on an anti-depresant, there are some good ones that are not to altering-celexa I think is one I have heard worked well.

As for the liver tumors I don't know. I could not have radiation in 2001 because it had spread to too many places but when I had the relapse in 2003 there was only 1 tmor in the r lung and they did both chemo and radiation. I am still here.

Please feel free to pm if you need to vent. (Read below to see my treatments)


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We don't tend to do radiation for liver tumors because people tend to feel awful if much of their liver is getting radiated, and there doesn't tend to be much value in doing local therapies like radiation or surgery after a cancer has metastasized, except to treat a local problem like bone pain or risk of a fracture. The cancer has a habit of growing in new places while people are going through treatment directed somewhere else, and that other therapy is often associated with some side effects and/or risk.

-Dr. West

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