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My father passed


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My father went to be with our Heavenly father at 12:10 am on June 29. I was in the car on my way to see him and say goodbye. I was two hours away, and I didn't have a chance to say goodbye. I know he knew how much I loved him. I will miss him so much. It hurts so bad. I now have no parents. It is a very empty feeling. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for my family. Please keep it up...we need it now more than ever.

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I'm so sorry, Angie. Please accept my condolences. You've had quite a rough 3 years losing both mother and now dad. I hope the memories you hold within your heart will help you through this very difficult time. I'm thinking of you.


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I just wish I could be there for you. Please know that we are all here when you need us. I, too, am part of the "No Parents" club, as are several of us. It truly sucks to feel yourself so disconnected from your roots. I can't imagine all you have gone through these past years. I will be praying for you this week, for strength and peace.


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