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New, lost, confused


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Hi. I'm Susan, 48, northen Maryland.

Last week my dr. sent me for spiral CT scan due to minor chest pain I've been having. Long-time smoker started at 19 and continued on/off 18-19 years until 10 days ago when I got the order for the CT scan and started taking Chantix to quit.

Dr's office called, said I had a node on the right lung and to have it rechecked in 3 mos. I went to pick up a personal copy of the report. It turns out the nurse I talked to was wrong. I have 4 nodule. The larges is 6-7 mm; the smallest 4 mm. The nurse said the radiologist said check in 3 mos. They won't do any further tests until after they see the 3 mo. result. She also said something weird, like 99% of these disappear on the 2nd scan. I can't imagine 4 nodes disappearing - especially when 2 of the 4 are 6-7 mm. and are noncalcified. (I've been reading a lot on the web the last few days).

So, what to do? Is getting a 2nd opinion from an oncologist the right thing to do? Getting another test or needle aspiration ? (see, I've been reading a lot the past few days).

Any advise offered by this community would be greatly appreciated.

Susan :cry:

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Good questions! My oncologist had told me that PET scans can read 7mm nodules, so I think another opinion from an oncologist is NOT a bad idea.

I have had a long history with cancer and believe strongly in 2nd opinions and third opinions if needed. it will not hurt anything to see an oncologist with your films.

Many of us have nodules that have existed quietly for years without any trouble. At the time of my lung cancer diagnosis I had two nodules. I had the oncologist, surgeon, and pulminologist look at the films. They all felt that one was serious and the other was not. 6 years later the cancer is gone and the other nodule has not changed at all.

let us know.


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Yes I think more information is better than nothing; especially since I have a little check/back pain - which started this whole conversation with m doc.

I'm going to get another opinion on this.

I was never so shocked in my life to hear this; it completely changed my notions of what is and is not important in my world.

Thank you for the lovely picture with your post.


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Hello Susan,

If you read my profile, you will see I so believe in 2nd opinions. In fact, I got 4 of them!!!! My own dear husband has been watching nodules for 2 years now. There are MANY here doing the same. It is protocol to wait and watch when they are so tiny. So you are getting correct info so far.

Sorry you even have to deal with this..........unnerving as it is! We are so scared at first and then get with the program and DEAL.....you will too. Just don't get ahead of yourself. Take some deep breaths and let's see in 3 months!


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Kasey, thank you. I've been reading a lot so I know what questions I should ask. A nice person on the ACS board (also on this board - BeatleMike) sent me here to browse.

I saw you're post about being near the 3-year free mark. How wonderful probably doesn't describe your feelings.

Thank you for the good advise, I need to go to bed now it's almost 1 a.m. EST


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