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Getting to Know You - July 23


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I have a lot of experience with dogs as a volunteer at a county animal shelter and I have a healthy respect for any/all breeds and mutts. Any breed or dog can be dangerous. Find out about the dog before approaching. Remember, a wagging tail isn't always a sign of friendliness. And, with the exception of those breeds with a "natural" smile (Goldens, Labs, etc), a smile may be a warning of bad things to come.

That said, I am more careful around Rotts, Dobermans, and Chows and won't go near pit bulls.


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I love dogs and in general, am not afraid of any particular breed. However, I do get uneasy when I can't read a dog's "body language" by looking into their eyes. I have found that "biters" seem to have a blank look in their eyes that you just can't read. Pits do worry me, because of the bad reputation they have been given. Any dog can be a mean dog if the owners raise them to be bad. At my previous job, my boss owned a pit that was with me constantly. He was an absolutely wonderful dog where I was concerned. He was very protective of me and I have no doubt he would have hamed someone to protect me.

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I love just about all dogs, BUT I get leery of the ones given bad raps.......pits, dobies...........though I've known great ones of each breed. Seems in our neighborhood, the 'big' dogs are the pansies and the small ones are the barkers and lungers. Teddy, however, is buddies with all of them..............especially Maizie, the neighbor's yellow lab ~ his main squeeze :wink: !


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As some one who has alway's had a dog or 2 and as a package delivery person i can tell you small or big there all capable of being vicsious.As for the phobia so many people have of the Pit Bull that only goes to show you how effective the press can be when they target something. Most of us can remember when a few year's ago it was the Doberman Pincer that had everyone afraid. Then Gang and Drug activity got big and of course the 3 breed's of Dog's they used for warning and protection were the PitBull,Rotweiler and Doberman. And because the PitBull was bred to Fight it get's all the blame but i can tell you i've been around Pit's that were very Friendly and Very little dog's that were extremely mean and guess what i have one look at her my Wife is holding her in the Picture...

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