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I could use some help (John?) in locating websites on the subject of stents in the superior vena cava. It is very crucial that any info is found on the subject. The onc has determined that there is total occlusion of the superior vena cava. The procedure should be done,soon. I have found a site for stents for other coronary arteries, but they can't be used on this large artery. Has anyone reading this had any experience with a stent? All the symptoms are present for SVCS.

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Here is some info. One article I read said that the stent allowed anti-tumor treatment to continue where it would have not been given if the stent was not in place.

Most article's say 90% or greater success rate with immediate relief of symptoms.

One article said the procedure is difficult so I would find someone who has done a lot of them.

http://www.nci.nih.gov/cancerinfo/pdq/s ... fessional/

Best of luck with your decisions.

Take care

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A stent may be the way to go (just my opinion). I think some svcs cases go way after radiation, but if there is serious occulsion it seems that the stent works almost 100%.

Again - I am not a Dr. Talk to a few surgeons with experience doing the surgery.

More info...

Gianturco-Rosch expandable Z-stents in the treatment of superior vena cava syndrome.

Rosch J, Uchida BT, Hall LD, Antonovic R, Petersen BD, Ivancev K, Barton RE, Keller FS.

Charles Dotter Institute for Interventional Therapy, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland 97201.

Gianturco-Rosch expandable Z-stents were used in 22 patients with superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS). Stents were placed in all patients in the SVC and in 17 patients, also into the innominate veins. Stent placement resulted in complete relief of symptoms in all patients. Twenty-one patients had no SVCS recurrence from 1 to 16 months, to their death, or to the present time. SVCS recurred only in 1 patient 9 months after stent placement due to tumor ingrowth and secondary thrombosis. Based on ours and on other reported experiences, expandable metallic stents are effective devices for treatment of the SVCS which is difficult to manage by other means.

PMID: 1423393 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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As usual, you have come through for us,John! Thanks a million for your research. I think I agree with you. There is the issue of talking the patient into going ahead with the procedure now. This is the reason for the research assignment. It is necessary. He wants to have all of the information before deciding. Now we have to decide whether a interventional radiologist (which do the stent procedures) are the best, or a vascular surgeon. The onc is going with the idea of the radiologist.

Thanks for all your input, it is much appreciated!

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