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We went in today to see the radiation doctor about the PCI.

He had the results from Harry's scan (which we weren't supposed to get until Monday at the appt. with the Oncologist).

He showed us the pictures, and Harry's lung tumor has grown. The 60% they had managed to get rid of with the radiation a few months ago, came back, plus doubled in size.

He also has a lot of fluid, and they think there are tiny tumors in the fluid.

Radiation is out, because he's already had it in that area, and he said it would cause too much damage to the surrounding organs... he also said it was donut shaped in places, which means they would kill the "good part" of his lung that's still there.

They got us a "hurried" appointment with the Oncologist for tomorrow, to see if they can figure out some sort of chemo that won't make Harry so sick.

(They just told Harry, a couple of weeks ago, that he couldn't get any more chemo, because he was getting so sick from it). Guess there aren't any other options for them though.

Please pray for us. I hold you all in my heart with prayers and good thoughts.




Ah (((Nova))), you most definitely have my prayers. I hope there will be a plan to make Harry feel better and perhaps lift you up some too. I am just so darn sorry this is where you two find yourselves. Don't give up yet. I'm not.




I will pray for Harry. There is some place that will treat Harry. It may be time for another opinion. Kassey went to a lot of docs before she found the one that would treat her the way she wanted.

Stay positive, :)




You and Harry are in always in my thoughts and prayers. Your faith in an inspiration to me and we all have to hold fast to it during these oh so trying times. Sending good thoughts for a regimen that Harry can tolerate.

God bless you -- in the midst of your own struggles you reach out to another in need. Many, many hugs as we prepare to go down a new fork in the road. God will be with us.



My Sweet Nova,

Praying that God will get you both through this and the Docs will come up with a working plan. You know you can always count on me to talk. I'm here.


After reading Harry's profile, I can't believe all he has gone through. I'm so sorry he's having such a tough time.

I really hope they can find a new treatment that will help him without any adverse reactions.

Prayers for you both!


I'm so sorry for your news. I hope they can make up something for him that won't make him sick and that

will help shrink the beast!!!! Oh how I hate this disease and the bad news it can bring.

Take Care




I am so sorry for this latest news. You and Harry and your son are in my prayers daily. You are such an inspiration to so many. Stay positve and have faith. I agree it may be time for another opinion. Sometimes we have to find the Dr who is going to fight as hard as we are.

Know we are here to support your whole family, I am here to talk any time you may need.

Continued prayer for strength,



Nova, Harry is held tight in my heart and prayers. He has been through so much. I pray there is something that they can do for him. Let's think postive. I know that is so hard right now but miracles do happen.

I pray for one for him.

Please keep us posted and know there are so many prayers going out to him and you.



I am praying that a successful healing plan will be found for Harry. My prayers for the both of you.



Nova and Harry,

I really hope that they can get a treatment that won't make Harry so sick. Hang in there and keep fighting it with all you got....and be there for each other too. We are here for you!




I'm so sorry to hear your news. I agree with the others who say to seek other opinions. I think some doctors are better at thinking outside the box than others.

Stay strong.


Today the Oncologist showed us yet another tumor that has "sprung up" in a different part of Harry's lung. He seemed less concerned with the extra fluid and the tiny tumors at the bottom, then he was this new one that the radiation doctor didn't show us yesterday. It looked like it had come thru his ribs, into his chest, instead of the other way around.

I could kick myself, but I've completely forgotten the name of the chemo they're going to try. I KNOW I've read about it here. It's something like "Taxor"/Tamzor, etc.? It's a short name that starts with a "T"... Harry will only get it once every 3 weeks, for 5 months.

(I can't believe the name has just left my brain..... Anyone know of a chemo for small cell that sounds anything at all like Taxor? It'll drive me batty until I can remember it).

The doctor explained that it won't kill the cancer, but might keep it under control. If not, he said there is another one to try, but it has more side effects, so he'd like to wait and see if this "T" one will help.

Harry will be having an MRI and Pet Scan (which I asked for), on Monday, so I would appreciate prayers for good results on those. Hopefully it hasn't spread.

Thank you all for writing. I appreciate it.




Was it Taxol?

Whatever it is, I hope it does the job. Prayers for good results on the MRI and PET!

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