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Chemo, Movies and Food, I love it.


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Just to give a little update. I had my third chemo treatment with no side effects. They don’t plan on giving me a week off this time. Next week if my blood count is good enough they will give me another chemo treatment and keep it up till the blood count goes too low. I am now eating everything I can to keep the blood count up. I eat oysters, melons, yogurt, and pumpkin seeds, shitake mushrooms and anything else that may keep it up. Oh the fun of it all!

Stay positive, :)


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Oysters? No side effects? Stop, Ernie, my wife is going to read this and wonder why I keep telling her I can't wash dishes and clean toilets due to side effects! You're giving me a bad name (and my name wasn't so good to start with!), and now my wife and kids are going to think I'm a wimp, too!

Glad to hear this has gone so well for you. Best of luck!


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Way to go!!!! Carbo/Taxol were the main ingredients in my chemo cocktail and they certainly did what they were supposed to do. I am sure the same will be true for you. A positive attitude and a good sense of humor goes a long ways towards fighting this beast. I had a friend that went to my final chemo treatment with me last year and when we left she told me that I was like the "Stand Up Comedian" in a recliner and kept the rest of the folks laughing. I truly feel that laughter goes straight to the soul and the spirit and releases good things into our blood stream. Keep up the good fight and always EXPECT A MIRACLE!!!!

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I love oysters!! Only knew about blue points in the Midwest until we bought a place in Florida, then I became aware of the yummy Apalachicola oysters. Mmmmm... wish I were there now. (Maybe not, with the height of hurricane season approaching. :wink: )

An FYI of caution regarding raw oyster consumption and cancer/chemotherapy:


Hope you are cooking yours! Enjoy! Glad to hear you are doing well on this regimen. Tony did very good on the carbo/taxol and it never affected his counts. Some folks are lucky that way.


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Hey, Ernie, good deal on the no side effects! With taxol + carboplatin that's remarkable, especially since this is your second time around with that combo (if I read your profile correctly). Hoping it does its thing just as well as before.

When I saw your title I was expecting to see some good DVD recommendations in your post. What happened? I got a few more oldies-but-goodies for my birthday last week, like the Bourne series that I had missed earlier. If the family is watching some TV program I don't find interesting, I can set up my favorite chair with snacks and DVD player, then relive those long and glorious chemo sessions. The main thing missing is the panoramic view of Pearl Harbor and the Waianae Mountains, which I don't get from our living room at 9pm!



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