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Getting to Know You More - August 6


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I was a stay-at-home mom to three little boys, ages 7,6 and 1. Dennis and I were definitely struggling financially, due to the fact that we both felt it very important that I stayed home until all three boys were in school. But, even though we were poor, by most standards, we were so rich because of our great little family and all of the love we had. Both my parents were still living and life was really good.

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Five months and I'll be eighty...

so at forty had been married

eight years, very happy and we

decided that Mike would be happy

as a farmer and bought our first

beef farm and we kept it till

1989, those were beautiful years.


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Newly divorced mother with a 3 year old daughter. Driving a taxi and dispatching, living paycheck to paycheck to say the least. Fresh out of rehab and trying to stay sober a year before the Betty Ford clinic opened and made sobriety popular. :wink:

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I was 23, had 2 beautiful children, and was married to a maniac -- who was determined to "do me in" before I reached the ripe old age of 24!!!! :shock:

I would NOT want to go back in time and re-live that!

Give me TODAY! I'm so blessed now!

Debi, Good for you! Harry has been a member of AA & NA for many, many years. You guys did it! Congrats! :)

P.S. Is Freddie a Chihuahua? He's adorable!

We have one. She's almost totally deaf, and getting cataracts on her eyes. She's "Older the Moses", but we love her to piece's! She's Harry's "Couch Buddy"! :) Her name is Munchkin!

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Fun question--Larry, you crack me up!

I was a college student. Young enough to think I knew everything, but old enough to know better than to do a lot of the stupid stuff I survived. :wink: It was stressful at times (I was paying my own way though college and carrying a full load), but those were good times. I wouldn't trade it for the life I have now, but I managed to have fun at the time.

:) Kelly

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I was almost 32 and a full time stay at home mom. I was also gardening, feeding calves and pigs and chickens and rabbits. I lived in Louisiana very far from my family (parents, siblings and their off spring)and was not very happy. Money was always tight and the heat and humidity made me even more miserable. We didn't get our first air conditioner until a few years later.

Still I had my chidren home with me so I guess I have to say in many ways life was good.

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