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Received bad news today

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After two rounds of full-dose chemo, my Dad's tumor has shrunk but the doctors say it's not enough for surgery. They're saying now that surgery won't ever be an option for him. We haven't told Daddy that part yet because the last few days have been bad ones for him. He really doesn't need to hear such negative stuff right now. Please keep him in your prayers. We were so hopeful - this is not the news we expected/hoped to hear. :cry:

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My late wife never had the surgery option and we foughtthe disease tooth and nail for almost 3 years ourselves.. Sening prayers.

There are options available treatment wise. Many just in last couple of years. Not to mention clinical trials..

THings have a way of working themselves out and remeber just because surgery is not an option does not mean that ths is a death sentence.. Just a new normal for a while. This thing can still eb ebaten but it just may take a little longer though...

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my mom could never have surgery either...there is so MUCH that can be done without it!

There may be a blessing with no surgery, I hear so many stories of cancer growing really fast after surgery....

my mom is proof that you can survive long term without it!

Saying extra prayers for your family....


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Sometimes people do worse with surgery than without. We had a good friend whose wife pushed until she found a surgeon who would operate even though other doctors had said no. He had the surgery but they were unable to get a clean field and it made the cancer spread. He would most likely still be here if not for surgery.

My husband was unable to have surgery and he has passed his 5 year mark. He is not cancer free and most likely won't ever be but you can live with cancer and you can keep it stable and you can live a good life. Please let your dad know that.

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Sylvia-- I'm still here and as you can see by my profile surgery was not an option either and the fun never ends. But one can live with lung cancer and still have a life. For the most part everything has fallen into place as I go along and my experience has been very positive overall. Tell dad to stay positive and take it one day, one step at a time. Focus on living, not dying and on what one can do not what he can't do. Get a second or third opinion if you have not. I don't put much stock on the ones that like to beat the drum the world is going to end--if I listened to some of the advice I got I would not be here now. Bottom line all that matters is what is best for dad. As long as there is life there is hope! Prayers for the best dad and you. Rich

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Hi Sylvia:

my hubby was never a candidate for surgery but with chemo he is stable and doing fine. You can live for years with the right chemo 'cocktail' that either kills the cancer or at least keeps it in check. Don't get too hung up on surgery, there are other options. Good Luck & God Bless


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Thank you all so much for all your encouragement. I feel better about it now. We go back to the doctor on Thursday so he can explain everything to Daddy and I'm not looking forward to that. My brother and I don't think Daddy will continue the chemo/radiation if he's told surgery isn't an option. I'm going to print out all your responses and read them to him. Thanks so much!!! :wink:

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Deb never had surgery but had Rad and Chemo for 3 years fighting LC.Just because surgery is not an option does not mean there is reason to discontinue treeatment. Just thought I would put that out there for you..

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I read all the responses here as well. I hadn't responded until now...I just wanted to share that I've already printed everyone's posts and am saving them to give to my mom Thursday when we're at our summer cabin. She has also been told that surgery is not an option. She is on a break from chemo after a 10 day hospital stay due to an infection. I swear, she is better now than she has been since a month or so prior to her Dx. Since they've cleaned out the infection, she's breathing normally, feeling GREAT, etc. But this week her new onc. told us that chemo will probably be for the rest of her life. She wasn't expecting that. We were thinking more cycles of course.....we were NOT thinking that this is how her life is going to be. It was tough news to take. He said they would stop if 1) she couldn't tolerate it anymore or 2) if the cancer decreased so much that it wasn't detected anymore.

She was hoping for surgery. So all these posts were great to print out for her as well. So, I want to thank everyone also.

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