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I just got back from my chemo treatment. It took 5 hours almost ran out of movies for my DVD. I only brought a lunch. I thought that I may be there for dinner and would have to send out for a pizza :lol: . They have added Avastin to my treatment. Now I have Carboplatin and Taxol every week for three weeks then one week off. I will have Avastin every two weeks. It seems like my onc likes to do some things more often. I thought Avastin was every three weeks. I am in my second cycle of treatment and first dose of Avastin. I still feel great and have had no bad side effects other than a little tingling in the toes and finger tips. I had this the first time two years ago. I thank the Lord that I don't have any side effects that makes me change my way of life. I do have to increase my exercise program because I have started to gain weight. We had a good discussion with my oncologist today. We talked about how many drugs that can be used. I learned something new. You can use a drug that has been approved for another type of cancer i.e. breast that has not been approved for nsclc yet. The problem is that your insurance will not cover it. I feel good about the plan. When four cycles of chemo has been received we will do some scans. If any spots are left we will consider radiation. If everything has gone away then we will consider Avastin as a maintenance treatment. I am trying to plan my next cruise around the end of August. I have two weeks off then. I thank everyone for all their prayers and encouragement.

Stay positive, :)



I'm so happy to hear that you don't have the awful side effects that Harry seems to have with chemo. That's wonderful!

I'll be saying prayers that your next scan shows "nuttin' at all"!

Take care,




Thanks so much for posting with your latest updates. Every time I read a post authored by you, I know it will be filled with positive outlooks while continuing the fight that you are going to WIN. Looking forward to hearing plans of your cruise. You're always in my prayers!! Ellie


Glad to hear your not dealing with nasty side effects. Your attitude as always is remarkable as you are.

Sounds like your doc is right on top of things. That's GOOD NEWS!!


Ernie--Good luck with the Avastin! It sounds like you've got a winning combination there!

On the insurance, whether they pay for "off-label" use of a drug (which is what they call it when an approved drug is used in a setting other than the one for which it has been approved) varies tremendously from one insurance to another. Technically, I think you've had off-label situations twice now. When you had chemo and Tarceva at the same time at the start, Tarceva is not approved for use in a first-line setting. And, now, I'm pretty sure that the Carboplatin doublet (and Avastin for that matter) are not FDA-approved except in a first-line setting. Obviously, in both cases, your treatment made sense. From what I've gathered from talking to people, the better insurance companies will cover a treatment if the doctor can make the case that it's the right treatment (even if it's not strictly approved in that setting).

Again, glad to hear that things are going so well for you. And glad you have a good insurance company! Keep up the good work!!--neilb


You are always on top of things, Ernie!!! Good for you. This plan sounds like a good, sound one that will produce the desired outcome. Throw in a cruise for good measure :wink: and you surely can't lose. As usual, your positive spin lifts all the rest of us up. Thanks for that and best of luck.




I'm happy to hear your doing well and tolerating the therapy without any of the bad side effects. I really look up to you and am praying that your next scan will show the cancer is gone!

Take Care,



Ernie, I am sending prayers and wishing you good luck with your treatments, but somehow I feel you have everything under control. You are a real inspiration, Ernie. Never lose that positive outlook. Be sure to keep us informed of your progress . It's always a joy to read your posts.



Hi, Ernie, welcome to Club Avastin!

Full benefits of membership will be yours upon completion of the Taxol/Carbo Experience. At that time you can take satisfaction in having safely traversed the rougher parts of this exotic city and you will find yourself on the wide, brightly lit avenue known by some as Easy Street. Beckoning in the distance you will see the colorful neon sign of Club Avastin, where you will find camaraderie and renewal. You will want to return again and again.





You are such a trooper. It's wonderful to read your posts and hear your wonderful attitude shining through. Continued prayers.......They Do Work........

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