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Here we go!-Update 8/23


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Mom just told me the clinic called and she is to have a CT scan on Wednesday. Boy did that sneak up on us! She just finished radiation to her tail bone a couple weeks ago. Does anyone know if or how that will affect the scan? Please pray for good results. We could really use some good news. Mom is doing better with her tail bone pain but it could be better. I think a good scan could be just the thing to boost her spirits!

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Thanks everyone. I am still waiting for the phone to ring. Just sitting at the computer while the kids nap...waiting...hoping...praying for good news. Mom should be in with the doctor right now getting her results. This waiting business really stinks. Please God, let it be good news.

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So here it is.

CT scan shows "something" in one of her lungs that wasn't on the last scan. Could be fluid or scar tissue. The are not sure. So...PET scan next Wednesday. Why don't they just do that in the first place...sheesh. :roll:

So, overall, I guess things looked good. Hopefully, that little "something" isn't anything to worry about. For now, I breath a sigh of relief that this scan is over. Thanks for all the prayers and support! You guys are the BEST!

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Hey wondermom - My mom just recently had the same thing happen. Her CT showed "something" the Dr. ordered a PET and it showed nothing and he says she is not out of the woods yet because he wants to make sure that whatever it is it does not grow. So rescan in 3 months. Best of luck and I will be saying my prayers for you guys.

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Doggone it....

I think it should be mandatory that they only do Pet Scans, once a person is diagnosed. Playing around with x-rays and Cat Scans aggravates the tar out of me.... :x

I'll be praying that the new spot was a glitch on the cat scan machine, and the new test will show nothing at all! (That happened with Harry once, so it could be!)


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