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Alimta and Coughing


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Hi all--

My dad had one Alimta/Avastin treatment about two weeks ago. Over the past few days, we've noticed that his cough is getting worse. He's had a cough since he was diagnosed with cancer but it seems to be sharper later.

Anyone had an experience with a worsening cough while on Alimta? Any thoughts on what to do to make it better? We've tried Tesalon pearls, codeine, tea....nothing is working...

Thanks as always,


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There can be so many reasons for coughing that it is really hard to give an answer, but if it is associated with increased shortness of breath it can be a real concern. My husband developed pneumonitis on Alimta but not until after several treatments... symptoms were dry non-productive cough and severe shortness of breath. It shows up on ct scan as a ground glass opacity .. looks like ground glass .. treatment is prednisone. It seems kind of early in his treatment for this to be the case.


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Pretty much ditto on what Sue said. A tight little non-productive cough is how Tony's mess started. Watch closely for any increased SOB. Five treatments and we're still cleaning up from that experience. It can cause the lungs to be very irritated. Tony went on anti-inflammatory meds during the course of Alimta to try and calm his irritable lungs. Watch and report to the Doc about the cough.

Hopes and prayers for good things to happen with the Alimta.



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