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Need to take a break


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Well I can honestly say this for the first time since I have been a member, I need to take a break. I realized with my last update that some people may be getting "offended" reading how my mom is always doing so well. I love this site it has helped me tremendously and may need to help me again but at this time I am taking a break for an undetermined amount of time. I will continue to keep praying for a cure.

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Some times we need to hear good news to keep us going and focused and positive. IF all you hear is bad things well.. It is up toyou of course but don't think because Mom is doing well that you have to leave us for any reason. I never have news and am still helping out here ya Know?? :wink::)

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I'll have to stop posting now

because Mike was also IIIA

and he is gone, and that won't

help new patients at least when

they see your posts, they knew

with your mother profile that

they have a chance.......

If everybody that have a good

issue stopped posting.....where

would be the HOPE for the new



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I agree fully with all the posts above that you shouldn't stop posting. I have just recently been diagnosised with sclc. I found this website about a week after finding out I had cancer. When I found this site I had little to no hope that I could beat this cancer. The stories I have read here and the support and kind words that I have gotten from the kind people on this site have given me the hope I so desperately needed. I know first hand how being diagnosed with cancer can turn your life upside down, and if everyone quit posting because they didn't want to hurt someones feelings because they are doing so well, and maybe the person who is reading isn't, then that person may lose all hope and just give up and let cancer win.

Please don't quit posting now, your story along with the numerous other success stories on this site are what keeps me coming back. When I am low and down, I come here and they give me the strength I need to face another day.


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Hey Heidi!!!

Don't you EVEN make me come all the way out there to get you to remain here!!!!! I'm not planning on going anywhere soon, so I sure hope you reconsider!People come to THIS website to receive hope and read the many positive stories of folks doing well. What would be upsetting if there were none here to read!



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Take your break and come back Never listen to what people say.

The vast majority of us are thrilled that your mom is doing so good. Shame on this person who puts a bad rap on this.

See you when you get back. You better come back, ya hear!


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"Calintay"]Well realized with my last update that some people may be getting "offended" reading how my mom is always doing so well..

Well that's the damniest thing I have EVER HEARD! :shock::roll:

Hearing that someone is a SURVIVOR and has BEATEN this monster of a disease is EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED TO HEAR!

Blow it off and stick around to offer INSPIRATION to those of us that appreciate hearing how WELL YOUR MOM IS DOING! MOM ROCKS!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your kind words. I really do feel welcome here reading all your posts you guys are great.

So I called my mom the other day to see what she was doing and she said "Trying to figure what hurt your feelings on the Lung cancer website" Well I was just so excited to hear she was looking at it that we talked I told her what had hurt my feelings and she said "Quit being so sensitive all the time, you need that site, I am doing fine and that is exciting for us."

SOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo............ Here I am :oops: I hope I am welcome back. My mom really knocked some sense into me just talking to her. Then all these awesome responses just made me really feel good.

THANK YOU everyone!


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:lol: Heidi :lol: !

I am proud of your mom for knocking some sense into you, girl!!!! I took a break for only a couple of days not too long ago. I had intended to stay away longer, but bless Jackie's heart.......she came looking for me and made me realize that I guess we just can't please all the folks here all the time so my hiatus was very shorlived.

We all want to celebrate your mother's wonderful progress and survival.....EVERYONE here. So hop back in here with both feet. We are so happy to welcome you back!



PS: Give mom a great big pat on the back and HUG from me for knocking you around! That's what mother's are for, afterall :wink: !

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