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Returning member

Mary Mac

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Hi Everyone, I had a membership here, but I lost the acces to the computer I was using. My Name on that I think was Alliboo. My Boyfriend was diagnosed over a year ago with NSCLC. He passed away this past April 19th. I wanted to get back with everybody to say Thank You for the enormous amount of emotional support that I got here. I'm still having problems dealing with the grief. But I have comfort in knowing he is not in pain anymore. A church near me has national program called "Griefshare" It's helped some. So Again Thank You All, Mary

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Dear Mary,

I tried numerous times to reach you with no response, now I know why. I am located here in Cincinnati also. I am so very sorry for your loss, if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. There are many people here at LCSC that can continue to help you going forward and healing. Please let me know if I can be one of those people.

Much peace,

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Thank You All for your replies. :) Sorry it took so long to get back here. several other people in my Giefshare group have lost some one to LC. The last few days of his life was very challenging for me. I had his whole family there telling what to/not do. I'm deaf. There was a lot of miscommunication. They were angry and took it out on me. They told me it was my fault, because they wanted to take him home. They thought he didn't want to go because of me. They thought they could get better care fore him somewhere else. The thing is that when he was diagnosed it was already too late. I know people do things to lash out at others when they are hurt. So I forgive them. I pray for them everyday.The only reason they let me stay there until the end was because Van wanted me there. It took everything I had to get through that. But he was sufffering much, much more. The night before he died, Van and I and God shared a very spiritual expeience. His family didn't have that because they kept trying to fight it. It was time for him to go home to heaven. So I feel very lucky and special to have that beautiful expeience. It stregnthed my faith in God. The hospice Nurses helped me with that. They knew what I was going through. It hurt so bad to see him in so much pain, and I coud do nothing about it. So I just prayed. So Again thank you all, Mary

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