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"Most Extraordinary" News

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"Most extraordinary" are the words I heard today. Went with Mom to the pulmonologist. She finished 36 radiation treatments last week and rad onc said "see Dr R; he is your doctor now" Kind of confusing because Dr. R is our pulmonologist but not a cancer doc.

SO . . . Mom's cancer is GONE; not smaller, not getting better but GONE as in can't see it anymore, doesn't show up on any scan/xray/etc!!! So of course she doesn't need a rad onc.

And the rad onc describes this as "most extraordinary" Chief of Oncology told us on Jul 31 that there was NO chance of the cancer going away - NONE at all!! The best we could do was manage it since Mom couldn't do chemo or surgery - too small - only 77 pounds. And some of you know that her radiation by week 3 was horrific and I was at my wits end since she wouldn't eat and was losing weight. Well by week 4 she was improving; by week 7 she kicked out the housekeeper because she had enough energy to clean her own *!## house! No coughing; she's lifting little weights; her edema is gone for the first time in 8 months. She can walk around the block without assistance and without loss of breath so we knew she was getting better!!

But who knew it was all gone!! They can't even find any sign of the MAC that she has had concurrent with the lung cancer. They're checking again for the MAC because it is so amazing that it is gone in 60 days.

But for now - for the next day or week or month, I am going to revel in the words "most extraordinary".

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Thank you, Thank you

Please pinch me because I cannot believe it! One of my sisters says " I want to see the PET scan. I don't believe them"

I say PET scan, sure but for tonight I am a believer in miracles. The best thing is that Mom is HAPPY! Not just surviving, tolerating, or in pain. That is incredible too since it has been a very long time.


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Thank you for sharing this incredible news about your Mom... I can't even begin to imagine how you all must be "floating on air".... we concentrate so hard on praying for good news and reports... I think we should all take a moment to give God a special "atta boy" prayer... for his great work on this one!!!

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