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Arm swelling


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My mum is having a lot of neuropathy and pain lately in her back, shoulder, arms and across her chest. Doc has just upped pain medication but no offer of explanation.

My mum has noticed in the last three days that her left arm is swollen and this morning her right arm looked puffy too.She wont go to the doctors as she said she doesnt feel too bad.

I would welcome any advice on what might be causing this.

Thanks & god bless


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I think mom should at least call the doctors (they would want to know) immediately if she won't go in and let them know her symptoms so they can advise her on what to do. On the neuropathy I (for my numbness, tingling, discomfort, slight pain in arms/hands and legs/feet) take Gabapentin and it really helps, just a thought.


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My husband had that same problem. Started with tingling and numbness in his arm, and then swelling. Which got a to be very dramatic. LOTS of swelling because at first he didn't want to go to the doctor.

It turned out it was SVC (Superior Vena Cava) syndrome. It's common when there are tumors in the chest and neck area.

What happens is that a tumor presses on the major vein for the upper torso. The swelling occurs because the blood flow is reduced so that the blood is going into the arm from the arteries, but can not drain out as fast through the superior vena cava vein.

It can be very painful and a problem, and I would highly suggest your mother go to see her doctor on this issue.

If it is SVC Syndrome, there are some things they can do for this. My husband was helped by blood thinners. There is also the possibility depending on the location of the tumor to radiate it and decrease it so the pressure stops. Or they can go in with a small little tube through the vein and insert a stint and keep the vein open. Lots of things they can do to fix it, but you'll never know unless she goes it.

If it's not SVC, it still sounds like something serious. I would make sure your mom goes into the doctor as soon as she can. SVC can progress in swelling rapidly and can get quite painful.

I will keep you both in my prayers.


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Another possibility is lymphedema-- John has that in one of his arms and it is swollen. If it is SVC syndrome they may be able to radiate the tumor off the vein and give her some relief. Tell mom she has to go see the doctor.

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Just thought I would let you know that mum has seen her doctor and the nurse about the arm swelling. It has actually gone down in the last two days and looks normal now. They are not too concerned but they will keep an eye on it. She is still getting pains and neuropathy but this is a bit better controlled now with an increase in dosage of painkillers(codipar and lyrica)

God bless


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